Fawcett Off

The Fawcett society feels that it should decide upon the disciplinary policies of other organisations.

The London Mayor, Boris Johnson, was facing demands tonight to discipline his transport chief for attending a “sexist” men-only dinner where the only women present were waitresses, can-can dancers and “a glamorous string quartet playing exciting music in even more exciting tight dresses”.

Sir Peter Hendy, the Commissioner of Transport for London, was criticised by the Fawcett Society for attending the dinner of the all-male Transport Golfing Society.

No, he should not. Out of work functions are no business of one’s employer and even less that of single issue pressure groups. By all means draw conclusions about someone based upon the choices they make, but that’s it. If Hendy wants to attend an all male golf dinner, that is his business and in a free, liberal society, no one else’s.


  1. What will the Fawcett society do as a hissy-fit if/when Sir P Hendy attends a Routemaster-Owners club meeting [ Yes, he has his own private one & drives it! ]

  2. It used to be that if one was a competent but not the best player of a string instrument that there were few chances for employment. A bit similar to being a decent player of football, relatively few jobs paying a super-sized wage, slightly more paying a living wage and then for the rest, well one had better have a day job too.
    Then some entrepreneurial lasses decided that ‘sweating the assets’ and playing the popular classics could fill a lucrative niche. Highly commendable of course. What is wrong is watching them!

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