Well, Quite.

Miliband minor is an arse.

Labour’s plan to make televised debates between party leaders compulsory in the run-up to a general election have been roundly mocked as critics asked if the Prime Minister would be jailed for failing to take part.

This stupid, Americanised nonsense serves no useful purpose whatsoever and I ignored the ones leading up to the last election and will do likewise this time. After all, whatever the farce regarding who will take part, all we will see is a bunch of talking heads who want to steal my money, arguing about who will do it best. All I want is to see each and every one of them dancing on air. I won’t be voting for any of them and have no interest in what they have to say. When a candidate starts talking about rolling back the state and slashing taxes, I might sit up and listen. Until then, they can all fuck off.

Ed Miliband has announced that if elected Labour would pass legislation creating a commission to put live television jousts at the heart of every future general election campaign.

Every time this moron opens his mouth, he demonstrates his complete lack of fitness for any sort of office, let alone the greatest office of state. This man is a cretin. That anyone should consider this  jackanape suitable material for prime minister calls into doubt their own judgement.


  1. So, if he gets elected, he will pass a law which will force himself to take part in a televised debate in five years time. Clever.

    • Junican, it’s the level of intellect we have come to expect from our putative ‘leaders’.

      And they wonder why there is such a singular lack of interest in politics these days…

  2. The frightening thing is that this idiot could well become PM with Alex Salmond as deuty in a disastrous coalition…

    …and how the fuck can you have a meaningful debate with seven participants? The whole thing is insane.

  3. “When a candidate starts talking about rolling back the state and slashing taxes, I might sit up and listen.”

    Didn’t the Tories TALK about that before the last election? I seem to recall talk about the bonfire of the quangos, amongst other things.

    • Indeed they did. And they lied. However, I would at least prick my ears if they started making noises about such things. As it is, I’m simply not listening to them, for they have nothing to say.

  4. I read this yesterday and laughed into my coffee.
    What’s sad about it is that this w.a.n.k.e.r. could be prime minister,God help us all.

  5. I recommend “The Chilian Club” – George Shipway.

    If the left can adopt “1984” & “Brave New World” as their own, then I can read this and dream…

  6. Milliblank is happy that Dave doesn’t want TV debates. That God-awful green thing from down under would have pissy pant fits if she/it were invited. UKIP have everything to gain, yet are losing ground to the vegans smelling blood. Circuses we have, animals or not. Politics is far too important for politicians, any person who professes a desire to become a politician ought, immediately, be barred from elective office. Haul the best of our great nation into office. It is their duty. Who the far they? We do not celebrate brains, instead we celebrate stupidity and venality. How come Russell Brand is “thinking” about running for mayor of London? Think before you vote, think before you stand.

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