Back to the Future.

This morning, the Corbynista are celebrating. And, doubtless, so are Labour’s enemies. For very different reasons.

Those who genuinely supported  his leadership bid see Labour returning to its roots, a new type of politics and a new type of society in the UK. It’s an old truism, a cliché almost, but true nonetheless, those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it.  And that is what we are seeing.

There is nothing new in Jeremy Corby’s agenda. Indeed it is very old. It is the politics of envy. “The rich” are to be soaked to pay for “the poor”. And, as with other leftists, such as Ken Livingstone, he cares not who his bedfellows are. He has swept to victory on the basis of a grass-roots campaign, but it is a campaign of like-minded, politically immature and historically ignorant proponents of student-union politics.  The same old tropes – anti-rich, anti-Israel, anti-nuclear deterrent.

Outside of their echo-chamber, in middle England where the floating voter is  busy working hard, saving for old-age, bringing up  families and paying off the mortgage, they will be looking at Corbyn and his rag-tag army of SJWs marching through the streets demanding an influx of even more Muslims and deciding  that they  don’t much  like what they see, much as a generation ago, that same demographic rejected Militant Tendency in favour of Margaret Thatcher – or, those who  couldn’t stomach voting Tory, the Liberals.

This demographic do not appreciate potential prime ministers who cosy up to terrorist thugs, who favour the vile creatures in Hamas over democratically elected governments in Israel. Indeed, middle England is, generally, favourable to Israel – a small country surrounded by mortal enemies intent on its absolute destruction, rather than the thugs and terrorists who surround it and lob rockets at civilians. Destruction by the very same people who are avowed enemies of the West. And, like the typical lefty, Corbyn cosies up to these enemies.

Middle England might not much like  the idea of nuclear weapons – I don’t – but the realists realise that to unilaterally disarm is  not a good idea and don’t want it. Disarmament is sure to lose their votes – if they are not lost by the treason of brown-nosing the enemy already. Likewise, the floating voters supported the defence of the Falklands and see no reason to betray the islanders – Corbyn seems to think otherwise.

And if all this was not enough – the staggering  poor judgement – his extreme socialist policies of stealing even more money from “the rich” to fund his largesse will come not from the rich, it will come from the professionals, the self-employed, the hard workers of middle England and they know it. So why vote for this charlatan and his band of thugs and thieves?

If Labour  thinks that returning to its roots will bring back the traditional Labour voter – the blue-collar worker – they are mistaken. These people, like the voters of middle England, don’t much like even more influxes from an alien culture that hates them and their freedoms. They are being attacked by the very party they once supported – don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t eat this, don’t eat that – more tax, more petty rules…. Is it any wonder that at the last election, in the Labour heartlands, the greatest threat was from UKIP? Farage is speaking their language. They will look at the lunacy of the SJW agenda that Corbyn is promoting with horror and vote with their feet.

Decent ordinary people look at the SJWs rampaging on the streets of the capital in yet another petulant fit of pique and deplore what they see –  a bunch of immature arseholes who want to force the world to obey their whims. And that is it – force. For socialism will only survive alongside its bedfellow; totalitarianism.

Everything Corbyn is suggesting has been tried and ended in catastrophic failure. The lessons of the 20th Century are there to be seen – the rise and final implosion of the Soviet Bloc. More recently, the socialist paradise that is Venezuela is seen to be an economic basket case.  Socialism is evil. Those who believe in it are evil. They would impose this evil on the population at large.

I’d be inclined to say “over my dead body” but they would be fine with that, for that is the real evil that lurks in the black heart of socialism.


  1. Well said , spot on.
    The Labour Party , which stopped representing the UK working class years ago, now is continuing to have a conversation with its self in a echo chamber.
    This is its death throes.

  2. I saw the result being announced on telly yesterday and saw the expressions on the faces of the (presumably) saner people in the building. It was an expression that basically said “Oh shit we are screwed”.

  3. The danger is that the younger generation, who have not been taught English History in schools, will fall for the lies and propaganda that the Labour party is so adept in spreading.

  4. Yep, and amusing to see many of his opponents in parliament calling for everyone in the party to pull together behind their new leader.

    PM’s questions will be a ‘must see’

  5. The left have never grasped the reality that the hard left has never won, and never can. And mostly because they do not understand or even know the working poor. They meet a subset that go to meetings that are so inclined. They see films by Ken Loach showing a subset. Beyond that, they meet lots of welfare queens, people who have an armful of excuses for why they can’t work. “There’s no jobs around here” (so move) “I don’t have skills” (there’s the library) “It’s not the sort of job I want to do” (tough). They don’t go into factories and get to know print operators or security guards who are actually far more likely to call welfare queens “scum” than a middle-class Conservative would. Those people don’t care about the rights of an ISIS terrorist, would be pretty anti- giving the Falklands to the Argentinians, and would like to pay less tax.

    I’m only hoping he sticks it out to the election, just to hear whatever ridiculous excuses lefties make when Labour take a thorough beating.

    • “I’m only hoping he sticks it out to the election, just to hear whatever ridiculous excuses lefties make when Labour take a thorough beating.”

      I wouldn’t count on that. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Corbyn _won_ the next election. It’ll be the mid-1970s all over again.

      An effective democracy requires its electorate to be both well educated and fully informed. This hasn’t been the case for some time.

      Blair was elected not once, but twice, and The People also felt that the Lib Dems let them down, despite managing to hold that blithering ignoramus Theresa May and her privacy-murdering policies at bay for an entire term. They were the junior partners in the Coalition, so they had to pick their battles very carefully. They’ve been treated very shabbily by the very people they protected for five years.

      • I agree with you regarding the LibDems. Also, remember Blair – who managed three election victories – did so because he hauled Labour toward the centre, where the floating voter resides.

        However, I think the Stigler has it right with respect to Labour and the working classes. The left really does not understand just how conservative the working classes really are. They understand the feckless benefit scroungers and the lazy thugs who skip lectures to rampage through London streets smashing the place up because their team lost an election. They understand the faux Islington intelligentsia, but they really, really do not understand the working class. If they moved in their circles they would be in for a real shock.

        The other aspect is the grey vote who will see Corbyn and his band of thugs and brigands eyeing up their wallets and vote for something else. By God, I’d even vote Conservative if it meant keeping this shit from the leavers of power.

      • Whilst Bliar might have dragged labour to the “centre”, the problem is still people like Gillian Duffy (she of the “bigot” label) As barking as Corbyn’s policies are (and they are), there will still be a substantial amount of voters who will STILL vote Labour. Without wishing to hammer the nail out of sight, Rotherham still managed to return a Labour MP in May 2015 FFS. I mean how effing stupid do you have to be ?

        • Absolutely, Providing they remain a minority shouting from the sidelines, that’s fine. There will always be a degree of stupid people and there will always be epicentres of stupidity where a red rosette on a turd will get elected.

          While the older generation who recall the seventies are around, they will a stay out of power. Much like the eighties. Give it another few decades and we could have real problems as people have to be reminded all over again.

  6. Some might accuse me of being envious if I point out that Corbyn’s hatred of ‘the rich’ is rather hypocritical from a man who was raised in a seven bedroomed mansion in Shropshire.

    I’m not envious, even though our farmhouse in Shropshire only had five bedrooms, but I would be interested to know how much Mr. Tax-the-rich Corbyn’s family trust is worth. Man of the people my arse.

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