The Islamist and the Kaffir

I was going to comment on this yesterday,  but was too busy. In the meantime, Dioclese got in before me. However, I’ll still add my tuppennyworth.

Despite safely escaping Syria and being offered food and shelter by the British, the migrants are not happy. Some demand to be allowed to travel on to Germany, others say they should be granted asylum in Britain, and one likened their accommodation to Guantanamo Bay.

They then proceeded to set fire to their tents. This is not the first instance where the overweening sense of entitlement has shown its ugly face during this crisis. Recall the young men  throwing away bottles of water given  to them by Hungarian police. And this, of course:

Mr Marouf said the migrants didn’t want to be in Akrotiri: “We didn’t want to come here. We were going to Greece. None of us wants to be here… we should go to England.

Let’s be clear here; we – that is, the west – do not owe these people anything. We do not have a duty of care towards them. Sure, those escaping a war zone might reasonably expect a humanitarian response to their plight and we, being reasonable people might expect to step up to the mark and in Akrotiri, they did just that. However, we are not obliged. We do not owe. They are not entitled.

What we have seen, however, are floods – swarms, even – of fit young men who have travelled from not only Syria, but other African and Middle Eastern countries that are not in war zones. They are not refugees seeking asylum, they are economic migrants. Migrants who have the wherewithal to pay smugglers to get them across borders and in some cases across the sea without drowning. They are not refugees and we owe them nothing. Yet they seem to think that we do.

A digression here on the subject of smuggling. The west – that is those gullible enough to fall for it – seem to think that a drowned child is something to do with us and our lack of compassion. That child drowned as a direct result of his father’s recklessness. Nothing else. They were in a safe place, yet chose to pay smugglers for passage across the sea in an unseaworthy vessel. This is not the fault of the West, it is the fault of the father. So, no, I don’t feel guilty and I do not weep crocodile tears. Let the father suffer the lifetime of regret for his actions. Don’t try to guilt trip me over it, for it won’t work. I do not feel guilty because I am not guilty.

So, what is going on here? Well, these people are predominately Muslims and Islam teaches its followers that non-believers – i.e. you and I – are lesser people. So, in the light of this, the sense of entitlement, the sense of superiority, the arrogance, all fits. We are the Kaffir and we are expected to provide for the superior Muslims as they swarm ashore demanding shelter, food, sanctuary – and, given that they have no means of support, benefits. They don’t want much – but clearly more than a tent, it seems.

Nice to know one’s place, isn’t it?

Make no mistake, this is not a refugee crisis – for that is occurring on Syria’s borders in refugee camps –  no,  this is an alien invasion, nothing more, nothing less.


  1. If these people were as peaceful and industrious as we are, their country would be a decent place to live in and they wouldn’t feel the need to come and live in ours in the first place. My real fear is that if we import enough of them they will turn my country into the kind of Islamic shit hole that they left because they didn’t like it.

    • That is a racing certainty if enough come. Islamic shitholes are shitholes because of Islam, an evil, Medieval, barbaric cult. Even the ones that are rich by good fortune of nature are still oppressive, barbaric shitholes. We need to keep saying it, however much SJWs scream Islamaphobe at us, Islam is an evil cult that has no place in modern society. If people want to believe that a god chose a murderous, robbing pedophile as his special messenger, that is there right, but we should not be expected to respect their ridiculous beliefs or accommodate them in anyway.

      • Almost, but not quite.
        Islam is a RELIGION &, for the umpteenth time:
        Got it, it, yet?

        • You’re the one who doesn’t get it, Greg, have you been asleep for the last 20 odd years? Have you lost count of the number of people killed, mutilated and raped by Islamic terrorists, using the text of the Koran and the Hadith as full justification for their evil acts? Western civilisation is not at war with Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., it is, however, at war with the odious ideology that is Islam. Eliminating Islam from Western civilisation would have tremendous positive benefits and bugger all, if any, downsides,

          The reason is simple, Islam was invented by an evil git as a political tool with which to control his followers, it remains so today.

          • I should have added that the terrorists are not just confined to using the Koran and the Hadith, they can use examples from the life of the evil bastard, Mohammed. Asking the question: what would Mohammed do? can easily lead to the response, “let’s behead all the men and enslave all the women and children”, just as Mohammed did to the Qurayza Jews.

            Mohammed fabricated Islam in the same way Jim Jones and David Koresh made up their cults. The difference was timing. In this day and age, we look at modern day cults and see their leaders as evil and their followers as pathetic, gullible fools. Back in the 7th century, Mohammed was far more evil than his modern day counterparts and his followers no less gullible, but the timing enabled him to establish his cult as a major political power in the region and for it to eventually spread far and wide, primarily via violent conquest. Because of this unhappy accident of timing, instead of being free to deride the pathetic, infantile beliefs of the modern adherents of this evil, barbaric cult, as we are the followers of modern cults, we are, under pain of legal sanction, told we must respect this “religion” and must not upset the sensibilities of its followers.

  2. Must be because the education system in the Arab world excludes the history of the Holocaust. The new arrivals in the Fatherthand are gonna have to knuckle down!- Gonna be a shock when they all get clued up about the gas chambers etc.Sorry to ramble, but I hope you get my point.

    • It is indeed curious isnt it how the Germans are reacting to this and the way history repeats itself. And those that dont learn from history are doomed to repeat the failings of the past. I am currently reading KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps. The early months of the Nazi aattempts to control the opposition involved finding any old empty building and throwing the left wingers into “protective custody”. And a few days ago LR posted the article about the small German village forced to take 700 migrants – what do the authorities do? Use an old empty building…..

      Whilst I hesitate to suggest that the next step is building extermination camps a la Treblinka/Sobibor/Auschwitz, I wait with baited breath for the first use of “concentration camp” as opposed to “refugee centre”…….

  3. These poor asylum seekers/refugees seem to be able to find a people smuggling operation to get them to the Promised Lands, with ease. Why are not the Powers that Be equally able to do so, and shut them down/arrest them? Could it be that they don’t want to? Is there some sinister purpose here? Or are they just terminally incompetent and don’t care for Western Civilisation anymore?

  4. It seems like only yesterday that Germany decided to exterminate Slavs so that Germans can have ‘lebensraum’. That’s right, Slavs and Poles, eradicated or enslaved because they are inferior. So what is Germany doing now? They are forcing immigrants on the Slavs and Poles again. There is a sort of insanity in their actions. Are they so guilt-ridden that they are not capable of governing themselves? Or maybe they are playing a ‘long game’, to what end I cannot guess

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