Nice Bit of Shroud Waving

The bodies are barely cold.

The government’s planned large budget cuts to the police in the UK will make it easier for Islamic State to stage a terrorist attack, Britain’s former head of counter-terrorism has warned.

Here’s a thought… Don’t waste time spying on the general population, don’t arrest people for saying naughty things and concentrate on real crimes and real criminals.

Just a thought.

Another thought is that it takes a staggering combination of misanthropy and chutzpah  to plead poverty and use the bodies of the dead to justify it.


  1. Well when you start ranting “we are at war”, don’t be surprised if the British establishment takes such moronic slogans as a green light to Implement a police state.

  2. That’s what happens when senior spooks & plod become politicians instead of spooks or plod.

    A pox and a plague on the political class who organised this.

  3. The police have been banging the very same drum. Some of them (*casts eye at Inspector Gadget*) on Twitter before the smoke had even cleared…

  4. 7 out of the 8 Paris attackers were already known to both French and US inteligence.

    Both the men who slaughtered Lee Rigby were also well known to British Intelligence

    As were the men behind the 7/7 bombings.

    Do I need to carry on?

  5. The problem John, as I see it, is that you can’t arrest people just in case they do something bad, no matter how likely you think it is that they will. This is as it should be. All of us would be at risk if the authorities could just decide that we were likely to become criminals and arrest us just in case. Yes this makes us vulnerable to terrorist attacks but it has to be a price worth paying because the alternative is far worse.

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