But Will They Listen?

Jihadi Jez has failed to learn the lessons of the Militwat.

Ed Miliband’s general election chief has warned that Jeremy Corbyn is “failing to learn the lessons of why Labour lost in 2015”.

Lord Livermore told BBC Radio 4’s World at One economic competence and leadership were key issues for voters.

My gut instinct tells me they won’t. You only have to read the Corbynista commenting in the Grauniad or the Indy to see just how out of touch with reality they are. They seem to think that a few thousand hard-left supporters is  the same thing as mainstream, ground roots country-wide support. Their logic for this idiocy is that the Tories didn’t actually get a proper majority, because they only polled around 25% of the popular vote. Well, no, just as the last three Labour administrations didn’t get a proper majority. That’s how FPTP works. The Tories won, they lost. Time to get over it.

The point being – and the one these cretins continue to miss – is that a majority in  parliament is only achievable if enough  ordinary people are prepared to vote for you. Miliband discovered that there weren’t –  so  Cameron got in  by default. The least worst option. The ordinary person is  looking at Corbyn and what may have started out as amusement is rapidly shifting to derision. The man has no competence. He has no leadership skills at all – and for his supporters to demand loyalty from the parliamentary party is planet-sized chutzpah. He is an appeaser who would undermine the defence of the  nation and ordinary voters don’t much like this.

So, yes, maybe the majority didn’t vote for the Conservatives. But they didn’t vote for Miliband either – and, frankly even fewer will vote for a man who cosies up to Jihadists and openly states that he will not retaliate if provoked, thereby completely undermining our defence. All of this, quite apart from the fact that he espouses an economic policy that is certifiably insane, puts real people off and will continue  to do so.

None of these warnings will make any difference to the  true believers of course, for they will dismiss Livermore as a “right-winger”, which is the standard response thrown at anyone who dares to criticise their sainted leader.

Still, while it lasts it provides amusement and helps to destroy one of the great evils of our time; the Labour Party.


  1. Having been a conservative voting trade unionist , I know up close and personal , the true face of the Labour Party, one that sold the working class in this country down the river .

  2. Although I tend to find the antics of Corbyn and his followers pretty hilarious, it does worry me slightly that some freak series of occurrences could lead to him being elected.

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