No, They Didn’t.

Talking of terraced houses, I call bullshit.

Asylum seekers living in accommodation with red front doors, which they say could identify their status, will have their doors repainted after they have suffered racial abuse.

The Times revealed asylum seekers in Middlesbrough, north-east England, had eggs and stones thrown at their homes, dog excrement smeared on windows and racist jibes shouted at them.

The usual suspects are effectively claiming that G4S or its contractors had deliberately painted the doors red to identify the occupants as being refugees. What utter fucking nonsense that is. It doesn’t bear even the most cursory of scans before  being rejected by any reasonable person as first-class fuckwittery. They would have used a job lot of paint and simply used that – the colour being irrelevant and so, too, the planned occupants. This is  conspiracy theorising on a par with the lunatics who thought George W Bush masterminded the twin towers attacks.

Fuck me, there are some morons out there. Still, it makes for a piece in the papers and hopefully  some sympathy, although mine’s in short supply.

G4S and Jomast denied claims asylum seekers had been identified by red doors, but accepted the majority of doors, both private and asylum accommodation, were painted red.

Occam’s Razor is inclined to agree.

…in light of the concerns raised Jomast has agreed to address the issue by repainting the front doors in the area so that there is no predominant colour.

Which will, naturally, solve the problem. Not.

Fuck me!

Andy McDonald, the member of parliament representing Middlesbrough, told the Times the red doors were “a way of marking people out that is reprehensible”, while his predecessor Ian Swales said they reminded him of “Germany in the 1930s”.

Yeah, ‘cos kristallnacht is just  around the corner. Get a sense of fucking perspective.


  1. So somebody with 100 houses contracted G4S (why them?) to paint the doors on their properties. Surprise surprise they painted them all the same colour. Where’s the story?

    • I rather like the idea that, in order to protect the feelings of potential occupants, G4S were supposed to pop down to Homebase and acquire a varied selection of colours (perhaps in this year’s fashionable shades) rather than pop open an industrial-sized vat of gloss; “What do you think for No. 42, then; Desert Sky or Blue Lagoon?”

      O/T, I grew up in a house where the previous owner worked for the Post Office and had clearly availed himself of the resulting opportunities; all the exterior wood- and metalwork was conspicuously painted in vivid pillar-box red.

  2. If it was not the colour, they would have found something else to gripe about. They are obviously victims, and some lawyers want a slice of the pie to prove it.

  3. And now, the new colour WILL show an asylum seeker behind each door, because that colour will still be the same across all the houses. If it were me I would paint all their doors in dayglo yellow.

  4. As a lad I lived in a block of high rise flats where all the front doors were painted yellow.
    I now realise that this clearly stigmatised my family as being Council Tenants.

  5. I too grew up in a council place…

    Every few years they would turn up and paint the doors, sheds, drainpipes and garages the same colour.

    Where do I claim my compo…?

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