Obvious or What?

So, finally, the pollies are noticing.

The French prime minister, Manuel Valls, has said in an interview that Europe cannot take in all the refugees fleeing wars in Iraq and Syria without putting the concept of Europe itself in grave danger.

Speaking to the BBC at the economic forum in Davos, Valls said Europe needed to take urgent action to control its external borders. “Otherwise,” he said, “our societies will be totally destabilised.”

He’s a bit late to the party, but at least he is noticing. What happened in Cologne came as no great surprise. The use of refugees to sneak suicide bombers through borders, came as no surprise. The continuing PC obsession with causing offence, whereby we are not allowed to openly criticise the cultural enrichers and their barbaric, primitive belief system has contributed to their sense of entitlement – the scenes in Hungary where they threw water bottles donated to them on the railway tracks being an example.

If we keep importing young men – and they are mostly young men – who believe that we are a lesser species, that women are second-class citizens ripe for rape and groping, then yes, it will have a destabilising effect.

Sure, a humanitarian response to a crisis is fine. Help those fleeing a war zone by all means. This does not mean that we should import them wholesale here – asylum means going to the first safe haven, not trekking across Europe and camping out in  Calais in hope of hitching a lift across the channel. Send them back, for they are not following asylum rules and keep doing it until they get the message.

And, finally, if we do take in these cultural enrichers, then they must integrate, speak English and live by our laws and our culture – and that means putting  up with the fact that we hold their culture and belief system in contempt and may openly say so. Don’t like it? Well, there are plenty of Islamic countries that practice your barbaric, medieval system of politics, culture, law and religion, so go there.


  1. I feel the urge to comment, but there’s nowt you have said with which I could disagree or add to. Nicely put.

  2. It worries me that these people claim to be escaping from a third world shithole and yet they want to turn Britain into the place they have escaped from…

  3. Europe needs to say that people who arrive illegally will not be settled in Europe. Europe should only take people registered as asylum seekers and should help to support refugees in the first safe country that they arrive in until they can return home.

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