We Own Our Bodies

The absurdity that is cultural appropriation is, like the anti-smoking crusade before it, designed to create fissures in human relationships. It encourages bullying and harassment – this is a feature, not a bug. And if the bully is from the right – i.e. approved – group, then it is all okay. This is code of course, for it being okay to bully, harass and intimidate whitey – in particular, white males. Because “oppression”.

Watch the video and be appalled. A number of things are happening  here. The “victim” accosts a man for no other reason than she believes that is hairstyle is “cultural appropriation”. This, she feels is all the excuse she needs to prevent him going about his business, even though, as he points out, she is ignorant of which culture is being appropriated. When he tries to walk away, she blocks his path. This is outright aggression, yet, if the roles were reversed, there would be an outcry – Twitter would be ablaze as the mob sought to have him castrated – or worse.

The simple response to this woman’s bullying is this; “my body, my hair, and neither is any concern of yours.”

We own our bodies. No one owns a culture. If we wish to wear our hair in plats, so be it. No one has the right to accost another and dictate how they should wear their hair, what clothes they should wear or how they choose to present themselves.

It happened to me once. It didn’t work out as planned for the person doing it. Although, oddly enough, we are on good terms these days.


  1. Interesting to note that the lady could not see her own “cultural appropriation”, such as western clothes, paper in hand, enjoyment of clean lighting and heating; she probably also has a telephone, a computer and drove or rode by bus to work. She also probably showers and uses soap and deodorants. Oh, and she was also speaking English. Perhaps we should really take her to task for such blatant cultural appropriation.

  2. In a similar vein: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3513800/Holly-Brockwell-reveals-happiness-wins-four-year-battle-sterilised-Morning.html

    Hard to believe people still don’t get the notion of “My body, my choice.”

    That said, JuliaM’s link contains the following line that does at least suggest the medical profession aren’t being quite as ghoulish as the media is implying:

    “This would involve an operation in which organs would be taken from still-living patients who have given permission.”

    Note the bit at the end of that statement. If a patient requesting euthanasia has given their permission, I have absolutely no problem with this.

    Naturally, the arseholes who insist they should get a vote on what everyone can do with our own bodies are dredging up the usual “vulnerable people” into this, as if Switzerland and other assisted suicide-supporting nations haven’t already thought of that and set up suitable safeguards.

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