He Has A Point

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm.

The head of the German Protestant Church has called for Islam to be taught in all state schools in order to prevent young Muslims from being drawn into radicalisation.

Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, who leads the Evangelical Lutheran Church, said teaching “extensive” Islam classes in German schools would give Muslim students the chance to adopt a critical approach to their own religion.

In an interview with the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper, the bishop said all faiths in Germany must be compatible with the country’s democratic constitution.

Of course, Islam is entirely incompatible with Western democratic principles, being a totalitarian ideology. However, teaching people about it, will help, providing that “critical” bit really does apply. For, a dispassionate, evidence based approach to religion serves to highlight its absurdity. So, yeah, teach children about it and teach them critical thinking, to question and to challenge, rather than to meekly accept the indoctrination that religions impose.

Christianity is already fading. The worry is that Islam will step into the void and no matter how nasty Christianity has been in the past, if Islam gets a grip, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.


  1. One thing that puzzled me in school was the way “Religious Education” lessons treated each religion outside of any context, with little examination of their effects on historical events.

    History lessons also tended to gloss over the influence of said religions, being mostly a tiresome list of period celebrity gangsters and their career highlights. (As if the name and activities of whichever glorified thug was currently running the country during the 1350s was of any serious interest to the poor schmucks ploughing fields in Rutland.)

    Religion, like the equally discredited phlogiston and miasma theories, is nevertheless part of our history, and should not be ignored. The lessons it has to teach us are legion, not least in their influence on politics and war.

    I may be an atheist, but I have no illusions that the Abrahamic religions in particular will be causing ripples through time for many generations yet.

  2. My daughter did critical thinking as a subject at sixth form college. I think that it should be taught to all school kids. Of course our politicians wouldn’t want that since they rely on a significant proportion of the population having no critical thinking skills in order to get elected.

  3. “Islam classes in German schools would give Muslim students the chance to adopt a critical approach to their own religion.”

    The trouble being that they are indoctrinated from day one not to do so.

  4. Bishop Heinrich does have a point to some extent – but which particular flavour of the RoP will be chosen?

    A critical approach to all religion in schools? well why not? – I wonder if he’d embrace that idea – somehow I suspect not.

    Then he goes and throws in The Constitution… eye-roll, head shake.

  5. As all religions are methods for different systems of control – I wouldn’t bother teaching any effing religion.

  6. He might have a point, but given the current level of left-wing apparatchiks/SJWs pervading our education system. who will do the ‘critical’ teaching?

  7. I see you readily agree to indoctrination of the helpless young.
    So forget reading writing and arithmetic just get the latest fashionable fancy idea.
    Illiterate but trendy.
    Do you really think the zeolots of Islam will let you dilute their ideology.

    • Oh, FFS! Teaching about something is not indoctrination. If you tried just once to read what I have written, you would see that.

      As for forgetting about reading, writing and arithmetic, where, precisely did I make any such suggestion? An educational curriculum covers a range of subjects. There is no reason why religion should not be covered in the same way as history or geography as it is of anthropological interest.

      Enough of the idiotic strawmen.

  8. People need to be prepared to see the faults in religions, but ‘faith’, acceptance without proof, works against that.
    I read a piece by a Muslim woman where she had been challenged about Mohamad’s attacks on other tribes.. “Yes, but he killed with compassion!”, was her answer. When your leader and religion is ‘perfect’ and your faith certain there is no argument. It might help a bit though if we were allowed to laugh at them.

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