1. I don’t know whether I should be angry or amused by the BBC constantly bellowing it from the rooftops every time they can find the tiniest morsel of economic bad news so that they can blame it on Brexit. The fact is, providing that our politicians don’t screw it up, we now have a massive opportunity to become more prosperous. The EU, lumbered with a mountain of regulations and the unworkable single currency, is in no position to compete against us if we get our act together. We could start by dumping all the climate change crap and going back to cheap electricity.

    I see that David Attenborough has come out and stated that the plebs can’t be trusted with such important decisions as our EU membership. Funny how democracies have always done better than societies where all the important decisions are made by the people who know best.

      • Thanks Nick. Yes LR, but there is only one person to blame. The contributors were and are brilliant, just Cats as the weak indolent link. I am keeping my powder dry till he comes back from his carefree hols, to deliver a very pithy broadside.

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