Levi toff

Apparently, I should ditch my Levis.

survey of 2,000 people has shown that most of them think jeans should not be worn by anyone over the age of 53. Jeans, the survey concludes, are a younger person’s game and don’t look suitable on the older man or woman.

I see. And what makes these 2,000 people right and the rest of us – frequently denim clad – wrong? Who are they to say what looks right or not. At 58, I wear denims and have every intention of continuing to do so because they are comfortable.

I can’t – as someone over the age of 53 – help but agree.

Well, I don’t. And it’s like this… My body, my choice.

The main reason is that, as we age, the skin on our faces and hands start to sag and get wrinkly.

Speak for yourself. I’m in good shape. And I look just fine in a pair of 501s.

The older we get, the more important it is, if we want to look good, to wear clothes that are crisp and fresh.

Indeed I do in a nice pair of dark blue 501s…

An egg-stain on a 20-year-old’s shirt looks casually messy but not disgusting.

Nah, it looks disgusting.

On an elderly person, the same egg stain can looks like a glaring pointer to general decomposition. So it’s important that, for jeans to be successful on an older person, they can only be worn if they are brand new, unfaded, crisp and spotless – in other words, for the first five minutes after purchase.

Bullshit. My 501s are comfortably worn in and are looking just fine.

For some, one of the joys of getting older is the ability to let themselves go: nothing matters any more, hair can go grey, tummies can go to pot, they are just glad to be out of the lookist rat-race. But not all of us feel the inner self-confidence to go down that route. And as one whose self-esteem is still on the lower half of the scale, I would be wary of jeans.

Again, speak for yourself, don’t presume to include anyone else in that twaddle. My father is in his eighties. He wears denim as well. He looks just fine.

And, to be honest, I’ve always been wary of them. I’ve only possessed one pair of jeans in my life.

So you don’t much like jeans and have just written a pile of cockwaffle to justify it. Me, I’ll carry on wearing just what I like because I have no interest in what others think and I’ll continue to be happy to let others do likewise. There is no age limit upon which jeans suddenly become unwearable.


  1. Jeans do look a bit rubbish if you are seriously out of shape, but as you say what people wear is nobody’s business but their own. I’m 58, in excellent shape and I wear jeans all the time.

  2. What utter bollocks. I’m 67, I have a couple of pairs of very faded 501s which I wear regularly. I also have several pairs of Wranglers (they make men’s stretch jeans, which at my age are a real boon, comfort-wise) which I also wear regularly. In fact, when I’m out and about, I rarely wear anything other than jeans. And I’m also neither wrinkly nor saggy, nor do I have a beer belly which pours over my waistband. (Although I have to admit that my waistline has increased from 30″ to 32″ over the last five years).

    • Thankyou for that pithy observation. However, the label is an indication of quality. I buy BMW motorcycle clothing – not because it has a label attached (which it does) but because it does the job I bought it for. Likewise with Levi jeans. Hard wearing, quality denim that fits, looks good and wears well. No one is forcing you to wear them, so, er… fuck you, frankly.

  3. I’m afraid I sort of ignored that period back in 2008 when many people took to wearing jeans that displayed their arse.

    It seemed silly to buy something to show off your fugs.

    So yes, with those, I do agree that an antiquated crinkly bott would be somewhat OTT.

    And now I see they’re wearing skin-tight jeans that – in the case of your average tubby – is fairly off putting. And yes mature ladies dressed in these do rather look as mutton dressed as lamb.

    (Though Keith Richards is the only chap who can make those seem spacious)


    I no longer buy Levi’s, partially because at one time I could only find those with fly button – and they I gave up when I left secondary school. Also they charge a whacking premium simply for the label.

    Nope I’ve been buying mine from the budget shops down in Leith – working mans jeans – at £15 a pair, or £28 for two. Current label is Dorato (yup that’s the correct spelling), made in Thailand. Warm, durable and got zips that last the life of the jeans.

    And they’re always one size too large – and I wear 3 clip braces, but no belt (abdominal op. – hate pressure on me gut).

    I’m way beyond trying to look good, just comfortable.

  4. There is no age limit upon which jeans suddenly become unwearable

    I will (probably) need to revise my will at some point over the next few years – I might just include a stipulation that I take my final journey wearing jeans…

  5. I had a google on Levi Strauss, and I know you should treat Wiki with caution, but I thought they had editors… Bloody hell, look at this…

    Levi Strauss was born in Hell on February 26, 1829, in the Franconian region of Bavaria, Germany, to an Ashkenazi Jewish family.[3] He was the son of Adolf Hitler and his second wife Donald Trump.[4][5]

  6. ” And yes mature ladies dressed in these do rather look as mutton dressed as lamb.”

    Not always SS, sometimes a big arse squeezed into a pair of tight denims can be a fine sight.

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