Stolen Motorcycle


Stolen from the Premier Inn, Romford West between 22:00 on Sunday the 14th May and 07:00 Monday the 15th May. If you hear or see anything relating to this bike, please contact me on the email given on my contact page. Alternatively, contact the police and quote the crime number: P6148 15th May.


    • @james higham

      How do they actually lift it?

      Scaffold pipe through each wheel. Lift – using 2 or 4 people – into back of white van. Gone in 2 mins.



      Spread Reg, VIN and engine number too. Although probably already broken or exported.

      • My local dealer said they usually leave it somewhere for a couple of days in case it has a tracker. I must say, one of those had never occurred to me.

  1. Really sorry to hear this LR, it happened to me, and my old Daytona was not worth anything like as much as yours. I also had to deal with the fact that I had cheap insurance but it simply wouldn’t have been worth it to have had fully comp. Mine was found and returned to me in a damaged state. I fixed it up myself but it was never quite the same. Make sure that you circulate that picture anywhere that you can on the blogsphere.

    • I know. I was planning to change it later in the year. In the meantime, I’m having to use the R80R and that really isn’t suitable for my needs. If it does turn up damaged, I’ll get it fixed and sell it on.

    • Given that the police closed the case within twenty four hours of it going missing and couldn’t be arsed to even look at the CCTV footage to see if there was anything there (there wasn’t, but they weren’t to know that), I think that finding it is out of the question. I’ll just have to wait for the payout from my insurer who, frankly, has been pretty good (they did ask about the CCTV) and save up the difference to buy another one later in the year.

      • Longrider,

        Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you get your bike back, but don’t hold out much hope. Perhaps if you told the police the thieves also posted racist remarks on Twitter, they might get off their backsides and make a bit more effort to find them. 🙂

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