Mob Rule


Angry residents demanded police investigating the Grenfell Tower fire make arrests and called for the resignation of the new leader of Kensington and Chelsea council at a crowded and chaotic public meeting in the borough on Wednesday evening.

An expert panel assembled to answer residents’ questions had little opportunity to speak as survivors of the deadly blaze and people evacuated from nearby blocks expressed rage, distress and contempt for officialdom.

Okay, so I can understand a disdain for officialdom as anyone who reads my wittering here will realise. However, arrests are made when the police have sufficient evidence of a crime. Not until. We have this little thing called rule of law. We don’t lynch people these days – unless you count the virtual version on Twatter.

Whatever sympathy I had in the initial aftermath, it has evaporated as I see these people behaving like a mob. We should never appease the mob. Never.

DCI Matt Bonner, who is leading the police investigation, struggled to reassure more than 200 people present at St Clement’s church that he would bring those responsible to justice.

He told the meeting it was a highly complex investigation, one unprecedented outside terrorist attacks, only to be told the fire was indeed a terrorist attack or mass murder.

Oh, fuck off. No it isn’t. Twats!


  1. I have a friend who works with the agencies trying to deal with these people, and the things she tells me (which I can’t repeat) about the greed and opportunism some display would curl your hair!

    There’s a need for much tighter control & audit over the way they are having taxpayer cash thrown at them.

  2. The BBC was complaining that the council was actually cleaning up around the area! Bastards! Don’t they realise that this is the people’s shrine, a monument to the crimes of Thatcher, Major, Cameron and May, a modern Bergen-Belsen or Auschwitz?

  3. What you’re forgetting is that places like Grenfell are not England any more. If Grenfell had happened in a small town in out in the sticks somewhere, with the inhabitants being predominantly white natives, you wouldn’t be seeing this behaviour. Obviously there would have been a lot of grief initially, but people would have let the authorities get on with their jobs, not harassing them. That is how people behave in Lagos, or Addis Ababa.

    Its funny – the authorities are finally coming face to face with what they have created for the first time.

  4. Dear Mr Longrider

    “- unless you count the virtual version on Twatter.”

    A twynching by a twynch mob?


  5. The sympathy I had for these people initially is fast evaporating since now it looks like theyre simply using the tragic event as leverage to get more free stuff at the taxpayers expense and screamingWAAYYCIST` at anyone who disagrees.

  6. The thing is, you have to ask how difficult and complex this investigation really is.

    The Tower caught fire. The cause of the unusually fast spread seems fairly clear at least as far as the cladding and windows are concerned. Someone authorised those, someone designed and spec’d them, and someone fitted them.

    That’s not a big fucking list of people to investigate…

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