In Which I Agree…

With Diane Abbott.


The British public would again vote to leave the EU if another referendum is held on BrexitDiane Abbott has said.

Labour’s shadow home secretary said her party could end up backing calls for the public to be given the final say on the terms of Brexit but predicted that Leave would again win the poll.

MPs pushing for a fresh vote should therefore be “careful what they wish for”, she said.

Ms Abbott told the BBC’s Political Thinking podcast: “First of all, I’m saying a second referendum is not off the table for the Labour Party. We passed that as a resolution at conference as one of a series of options.

“But yeah, people should be careful what they wish for, because my view is that if we had a second referendum tomorrow, Leave would win again and not only would Leave win again but Leave voters would say ‘What didn’t you understand about Leave the first time?’.”

Oh, my, she gets it. There’s something else going on. The loud, vociferous and vicious Remainers who are desperately trying to undermine  the result aren’t necessarily speaking for all of those who voted to remain in 2016. There are I suspect, many who having voted accepted the outcome and want to see it sorted amicably and sensibly. And, like those of us who voted to leave are horrified at the subsequent events and unconditional surrender that May and her team have “negotiated”. It’s entirely possible that following this debacle, some of those who were initially inclined to stay, having seen the behaviour, will have changed their minds. Those of us who voted to leave having had everything we have said about the EU confirmed, will merely be hardened in our attitude.

And Diane Abbott gets it right. Well, there’s a turn up…


    • I agree entirely. Unfortunately, that is not going to be allowed to happen.

      The choice, should we be given one, will be to accept May’s ‘deal’ or reapply for full membership of the EU.

      In other words, would you prefer to be beheaded or burned at the stake.

  1. “And Diane Abbott gets it right. Well, there’s a turn up…”
    I suppose it had to happen sooner or later.

    As for “the people’s vote” (or a second people’s vote as I prefer to call it), confident as I am that Leave would win again, I remember how confident Cameron was that we would give the “right” answer the last time. Now, obviously we’re much, much smarter than Cameron 😉 but do we really want to put our confidence to the test?

  2. The choice, should we be given one, will be to accept May’s ‘deal’ or reapply for full membership of the EU.

    It won’t even be that, the option would likely be between May’s shitty ‘deal’ and the withdrawal of Article 50 Notification, since this would be the only way to guarantee we remain trapped in the EU and the only way to force those who would wish to say “Fuck EU” to vote for May’s shitty ‘deal’.

    Mrs May needs to be forcefully reminded that “No Deal is better than a bad deal“, which is exactly what she is pushing.

    I don’t want the UK to leave the EU without a negotiated exit, but the terms here are so egregious that it would be treason to sign them. The fact that Frau May is being misled by the traitorous scum of the Civil Service will avail her nothing if she gets away with this.

    So here I am, a committed leaver who actively campaigned for Vote Leave having to pray that enough Members of Parliament understand the concept of a democratic referendum result to block what can only be described as “BRExit in Name Only“.

    I am not hopeful.

    • I am seeing more and more that this is a ploy by May to claim she’s tried before ultimately going for No Deal. The theory being that it was clearly designed to be unpalatable to both sides, and therefore is guaranteed to be voted down.

      I don’t believe it myself, but it’s interesting how often some variant of this theory keeps cropping up since negotiations began.

  3. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day…not sure about this buffoon though.
    Leave won’t be allowed to win for a second time. Remember the EU has previous for allowing second votes if they don’t get the answer they want first time. The propaganda was disgraceful the first time round, imagine what it would be like for another vote? We are now being told a “no deal” scenario would leave us without clean water. Just the start……….

  4. It really depends on the wording of the referendum.

    You can be sure that it would be carefully planned to divide the leave vote.

    These scum aren’t interested in knowing what we think or what we want.

    Just to try to justify their own shoddy treacherous dealings.

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