Poisonous Little Creep

Watch this video by Jonaya in which she explains how she has been effectively deplatformed by Facebook because there was a complaint. Apparently she wasn’t very polite towards the idiot Owen Jones.

You can be pretty sure that had he been able to do so, he would have pulled the same stunt with me when I came to his attention last summer.

Owen Jones claims to be fighting a battle of ideas. The only ideas he has are those created by the Soviet Union, where dissent is censored. The man is not only an idiot – which goes without saying really – but an odious, nasty, spiteful little creep.


  1. In the end the left cannot allow open dialogue for the simple fact that they are wrong. Their ideas are a complete disaster wherever and whenever they have been put into practice and there are sound and obvious reasons why this is the case. Trying to silence anyone who points this out to them is all that they can do.

  2. I saw the post title and thought ‘must be Owen Jones’ I wasn’t disappointed. He is a deeply unpleasant individual.

  3. Owen Jones; repeatedly proving he’s a toxic homunculus with all the social graces of a cesspit. My only question is; why the hell has he got all this power and who gives it to him?

  4. Totally agree – a particularly vicious individual – in some ways few captures the zeitgeist very well of the ‘Identity politics’ age – thuggish, nasty and ignorant as well as preternaturally thin- skinned

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