Led by Donkeys

Strike or Truancy?

So a bunch of entitled children will be walking out of school next Friday and of course, the teaching profession will be taking a strong line on this. Oh, wait

A nationwide school strike over climate change has been ‘applauded’ by the head teachers’ union, leaving many furious.

The brainwashed youth is being applauded by equally brainwashed adults. The church of climatology has certainly taken root here. Someone, somewhere has convinced these simpletons that the climate must not change. How this took hold is a mystery. The climate has always changed. It always will change. The idea that we can somehow arrest this process and preserve it like a summer’s day in the nineteen fifties is not only absurd, it is scientifically illiterate and filled with the most staggering hubris.

There is a possibility that human activity has played a small part in the process. I’m not sure that a bunch of spoiled brats stamping their feet next Friday is going to change anything. After all, even if this country did everything demanded of us and we returned to a medieval agrarian society, the rest of the world will carry on regardless. And even if the rest of the world followed suit, the climate will still change. We are, after all, coming out of an ice age that in geological terms was only a few moments ago.

What do these people want to do? Nail the tectonic plates together? Stop the sun ageing?

This isn’t the first time that young people have coordinated action against climate change…

Nor is it the first time that youth has been guilty of stupidity. It’s a part of growing up. Maybe those teachers, instead of poisoning their minds with intersectional politics, could spend a little time teaching them about someone who had more wisdom than all of them put together.

Still, I’m all for some positive action. How about these children eschew their lifts to school and start walking? That will cut down on pollution and make the morning commute for many a great deal less stressful.


  1. Start walking? That would never do. Like most youthful activists, they want to tell other people what to do, not actually do something themselves.

  2. led by donkeys has to be one of the more offensive and insulting phrases that people come out with in regard to WW1 (yes I realise you, LR, aren’t using it in that context, I’m just saying…). Or as one of those supposed ‘donkeys’ put it ” By 1918 all but one of my close friends were dead”- that was a toff by the name of JRR Tolkien and I, for one , would kill to have half his donkey’s intellect.

    Canute? Why a King of England should marry is a mystery, why he should marry twice is a bigger mystery.

  3. Applauded by head teachers union? The same head teachers that will set the law on you if you take your child out of school a day early to go on holiday?

  4. The Not a lot of people know that website covers a piece of propaganda from the UK Climate Change Committee about how our supply of fruit and vegetables are under threat from climate change. The whole thing is nonsense of course and is easily demolished by fact monger Paul Homewood. What a state we are in when tax payers’ money is being spent on government sponsored lies in this way.

    I like the label ‘fact monger’, climate change sceptics have been accused by certain alarmists of fact mongering. Those evil fossil fuel funded deniers have been disrupting the alarmist narrative with facts apparently.

  5. So missing school for a holiday is bad, but missing school to take part in a politically based demonstration is OK. The answer is simple. Tell the school you are taking your children to 4 political rallies/demonstrations in Spain, Portugal, the Bahamas, or wherever, and as they are 3 days apart, they may as well stay there in between each demonstration.

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