You Dare Not Blaspheme Against the Messiah

The prophet sent forth by the Church of Climatology has spake and her words written on the subway walls and her message may not be disavowed. Except that it has.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has criticised an Australian journalist after he attacked and mocked her in a column.

“Where are the adults?” tweeted 16-year-old Greta Thunberg after soon-to-be-60 Andrew Bolt, a columnist for Rupert Murdoch’s The Herald Sun, called her “deeply disturbed” and said she had “so many mental disorders”.

The phrase appears to refer to the fact that Thunberg is on the autism spectrum.

“I am indeed ‘deeply disturbed’,” Thunberg tweeted, “about the fact that these hate and conspiracy campaigns are allowed to go on and on and on just because we children communicate and act on the science.”

The simple answer to her question is this: If you enter into debate in the adult world, you discover that it is a hostile place and there’s much mud-slinging. You had better start to get used to it.

Thunberg became famous after starting the school strike for climate in 2018, which sees students and young people around the world march for the environment. Her role in mobilising young people has earned her a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

As opposed to getting detention for playing hooky, which is what should have happened.

There is so much that is so wrong with all of this, it’s difficult to know where to start. Greta Thunberg is not a messiah, she is a very naughty little girl who skipped school. What she is peddling is the same doomsday scenario that her predecessors were pushing forty years ago. Although when I was growing up, we were about to enter a new ice age.

The world changes. Climate changes. We, the organisms that inhabit it have to adapt or die. That’s how evolution works. Are we having an effect? Maybe. Should we act to reduce pollution? Yes, of course. However, I refuse to be drawn in by the screaming, shouting, foot-stamping and general hysteria of the latest incarnation of the lunatic on the street corner waving a bible and preaching Genesis that is the Church of Climatology.

And as an adult, I won’t take lecture on science from someone who has no life experience and clearly cannot detect when science has been hijacked by politics.

Then there are her parents. They have used her as a proxy for their own activism and thrust her into the limelight and cynically bathed in the reflected glory. And, there are the politicians who are more than happy to go along with it as it plays into their agenda of raising taxes and being seen to do something good – apart from some of the French who objected.

The advantage for the Church of Climatology is simple enough to see. By putting a child on their podium and claiming her as a messiah, they effectively silence criticism, because one doesn’t criticise a child after all and those who do are obviously nasty people so ad hominem is an appropriate response. Well, Andrew Bolt did. And he is right. This child is not the messiah. She is not the font of scientific knowledge. She is merely another false prophet preaching gloom and doom and she is best ignored. Which, apart from this essay, is precisely what I’ve been doing.



  1. Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a sock puppet created by her narcissistic mother who generously gave her child most of the physical and mental problems she displays through continued alcoholism during pregnancy (fetal alcohol syndrome et al). That her father hasn’t stepped in to stop this charade shows both his weakness and his culpability.

    The fact that politicians at Westminster have pandered to her millenarian obsession doesn’t justify it.

    Yet another Violet Elizabeth Bott for the modern age threatening to “Scweam and Scweam until I’m sick”.

    What she needs is some therapy and a boyfriend.

  2. So hot today – I say bring on the ice age!!!

    Not sure how to build an igloo but remember good old John Noakes showing us how to on Blue Peter, episode must be on YouTube by now.

  3. It’s Climate change now, that can mean whatever we want it to mean.

    The Nobel Peace Prize was an extra one that was added to the real ones for science. The science ones have to be earned by demonstrating genuine excellence in your field and thus have real prestige. The peace would embarrass most people if they were offered it, such is its worthlessness.

    Bible based doomsday prophets are more likely to be preaching Revelations than Genesis, perhaps with some Ezekiel and Daniel thrown in for good measure.

  4. I despair as to why we give credence to kids with no real experience of life. She should be in school not travelling the world talking bollocks and being fawned over by people even dumber than she is.

    This is another example of the stupidity of people and the cult of celebrity. “The world will end with a whimper not a bang” and here’s a prime example of it

    At the end of the day, who gives a toss about what the silly little kid thinks. I know I don’t. She’s just a bloody kid. I, for one, am more than happy to criticise her…

  5. Of course, two years from now, the ‘child’ card will no longer be playable…
    Open season can then commence.

  6. “…words (of the prophet are) written on the subway walls…”

    Hopefully, this is prophetic and all we hear from her henceforth is the sound of silence.

  7. In 1856 and 1857, the Xhosa people slaughtered their cattle and destroyed their crops in response to visions and prophesies from a 15 year old girl, Nongqawuse. It is estimated 40000 Xhosa died as a result. We look back at these events and consider them irrational, but, in their defence, the Xhosa did not have the benefit of a scientific education and lived in a society dominated by superstition. Those who would destroy the global economy and condemn billions to poverty at the behest of Greta Thunberg have no such excuses, we supposedly live in enlightened, rational, scientific times.

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