Bit Academic

I’m sure Boris has no plans to join the police anyway.

Boris Johnson would be barred from joining the police because of his remarks describing black people as “piccaninnies” and comparing Muslim women to “letterboxes”, the UK’s most senior counterterror officer has said.

Asked whether someone would be allowed to join a police force if they had made the same comments, Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner Neil Basu said: “No, they wouldn’t be recruited into policing.”

This is classic virtue signalling. If this cockwomble had bothered to read the articles in question and had half a functioning brain cell, he would realise that neither comment was racist, nor Islamophobic (there’s no such thing – Ed), the latter being an argument against banning the burka, but let’s not allow facts to get in the way of the actualité, eh?

Mr Basu would not comment on the prime minister’s remarks directly but told The Guardian: “Every public figure who’s got a microphone and has got an opportunity to speak should take the opportunity to be bringing society together.

“The most important thing everybody should be aiming for is a socially cohesive, inclusive society … we should all be very careful about what we say publicly.”

So we just stop people from saying things that other people might find offensive. We won’t have them saying anything at this rate.

Mr Basu previously told The Independent he was concerned about growing polarisation in British society.

“You don’t have to be a genius to see how Brexit particularly has polarised some communities, and that’s got to be a concern,” he added.

Unless they are committing offences, it’s nothing to do with the police, so I suggest you do something useful with your time, such as, oh, I don’t know, catching criminals.


  1. Well they aren’t able todo that so they do this instead. First of all they want to make themselves look good to other SJWs and he is actually on the side of the enemy by looking to provide cover for their actions.

  2. Mr Basu previously told The Independent he was concerned about growing polarisation in British society.

    Then he should support the repatriation of all those who refuse to assimilate into British society and expect to be afforded special status.

  3. The whole point of Peelian principles was to prevent the contamination of the police by politicisation or bias, so that they remain “citizens in uniform”, not some junior branch of the military or government.

    Wiki Peelian Principles (Link)

    The reason why we had avoided an established police force was that Peel and others had seen the result of “policing” done elsewhere and wanted no part of it.

    That we now have an infiltrated and politicised police force which supports the left-wing loons of the SJW mob against the General public at large requires action.

    After the challenges of BRExit, the next major action needs to be the removal of political influence over the police service and purging of the SJW / Marxist moles that have infiltrated the establishment and skewed its purpose from dealing with actual crimes to persecuting people for posts on Twitter.

    Same goes for the Crown Prosecution Service, whose politicisation under Kier Starmer others is equally offensive.

    You shouldn’t be appointed to be a Commissioner because you are a lesbian with the right political views (and a penchant for executing Brazilian electrician), you should be appointed as Commissioner because you’ve genuinely nicked more burglars, drug dealers and murders than anyone else.

    The fact that the Police wouldn’t have employed Boris because of his personal views expressed in the press illustrates that it is the Police who have the problem, not BoJo.

  4. “Every public figure who’s got a microphone and has got an opportunity to speak should take the opportunity to be bringing society together.

    “The most important thing everybody should be aiming for is a socially cohesive, inclusive society … we should all be very careful about what we say publicly.”

    Methinks brown man speak with forked tongue.

    This report form the Daily Mail (OK, peace. Bear with me) quotes him as saying that British Muslims should not be forced to ‘assimilate’.

    So, which is it Mr Basu? A fully integrated society to include people that do not want or need to integrate or a fully integrated society?

    Similarly, do you want a Police force that consists only of clones and all think and act in lockstep with each other or a Police force that includes people that don’t want to integrate into the organisation? What is sauce for the goose etc.

    Or are you just spouting soundbite political correctness bullshit to make yourself look good and try to be all things to all men?

    People want to know, you know …

    • ‘Don’t forget that 70%-80% of the people we arrest, disrupt or commit an attack here, are born and raised here. Born or at least raised here. That has got to tell us something about our society.

      No, it has got to tell us something about the nature of Islam, wherever in the world it finds itself.

      • Hello DocBud.

        Regarding the quote; by calculation, 20-30% of those they ‘arrest, disrupt or commit an attack’, are from a very small minority of people not born here, therefore they disproportionally commit more crime than those born here.

        The man’s an idiot.

        • This argument is similar to the one that is jokingly used to defend drunk driving. The vast majority of road accidents are caused by sober drivers. Therefore drunk drivers are actually safer. The flaw in the argument is obviously that drunk drivers cover a very small mileage and have, mile for mile, a terrible track record.

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