Good News

The Donald suspends funding to the WHO.

Donald Trump was condemned for putting countless lives at risk on Tuesday when he announced the US is freezing payments to the World Health Organization (WHO) over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The US president said funding would be on hold for 60 to 90 days pending a review of the WHO’s warnings about the coronavirus and China. He accused the global body of “severely mismanaging and covering up” the threat, even though it declared a public health emergency on 30 January – after which he continued to hold rallies, play golf and compare the coronavirus to the common flu.

This is but a start, though. This vile organisation needs to be completely defunded and razed to the ground. In the early phase of this crisis, Taiwan tried to give information the the WHO but was ignored because the WHO prefers to kowtow to the CCP’s one China policy. Indeed, the nasty little communist in charge of the WHO – Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus preferred to accuse the Taiwanese of racism. Well, there’s a surprise. Interestingly, European politicians are staging a backlash against this policy.

Taiwan has managed to deal with the outbreak effectively, yet has been largely ignored.

So, yes. let’s rid ourselves of these nasty Tranzi organisations and save ourselves a few bob in the process.


  1. Shockingly, The Guardian disapproves of this action, so it’s obviously the right thing to do.

    I love Donald’s eff you attitude, born of him being a businessman and not a lifelong politician with favours to repay. He doesn’t need the money or the favours so he can just say what he pleases, to the evident knicker-twisting anguish of the media; now, and hopefully for ever, sidelined.

    • This, for me, was always the benefit of him entering office. For too long the professional politicians have been in charge. My late wife used to refer to him as kicking over anthills.

  2. Great to see some European politicians standing up for friendly, independent, democratic nations rather than evil, lying, murderous tyrannies.

  3. Isn’t Public Health England a similar outfit in miniature? My understanding is that the organisation has an annual budget of 4.5 billion pounds. How they manage to wazz away that much money on fake charities and radio ads I have no idea. Along comes a genuine public health crisis and this organisation seems to be preventing action rather than facilitating it.

  4. WHO in the past two years, the U.S. has been the body’s biggest donor, giving $893million (£711million).

    Britain is its second biggest benefactor among major countries, shelling out $435 million (£346million), followed by Germany and Japan.

    China has contributed just $86 million (£79 million) over the same period

    Why are we, UK, giving them more than Germany, Japan etc?

    – WHO must ‘reform’ to ensure Australia’s ongoing funding. Labor MP Peter Khalil says he was “flabbergasted” the World Health Organisation allowed Chinese wet markets to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic

    – PM Morrison
    Australia won’t withdraw WHO funding

    – PM Morrison under pressure over World Health Organisation funding

    – Nice Headline: IMF’s dire prediction ‘as surprising as being told it rains a lot in the UK’

    Australia’s death toll climbs to… wait for it…. 63 …. and lockdown to continue

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