Track and Trace

So, we are seeing the roll out of the NHS tracking app.

The NHS is rolling out its new coronavirus track-and-trace app today for testing across the Isle of Wight.

Health and council workers will be asked to download the software on to smartphones to see if it works – and if phones can accurately trace personal contacts via bluetooth.

But critics have questioned why the Government has chosen to collect the data of millions of people in one central system, rather than spreading the risk using a decentralised model adopted in Germany, backed by tech giants Apple and Google.

So, simple question, will you be using it?

Will you be installing the NHS tracking app?

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  1. Critics citing Germany adopted decentralised, developed by Apple and Google are correct

    Germany were spunking £ millions developing their app, then heard about the Appoogle and concluded “That’s Good Enough”

    Yet Conservative (Ha, Ha) UK Gov refuses to use private sector and continues with re-inventing wheel. Cost? Not surprised if £2Billion and doesn’t work properly

    Without Apple and Google, the UK’s contact-tracing app is in trouble
    The UK wants to keep its data at the expense of the app’s functionality

  2. o/t 5am BBC radio 2 news, Dodgy Data guy Neil Ferguson steps down for flouting the distanceing rules he foisted on the rest of us. Best start to my day in weeks.

  3. I realise that this is a self-selecting sample and not remotely scientific. I even loaded the questions somewhat. However, it’s not looking good for that 60% uptake the government is looking for…

    • Have no fear. It uses a centralised database, and is therefore incapable of scaling. A small scale trial will appear hopeful, so the politicians will steam ahead straight into the N-squared problem.
      Massive NHS IT cockup imminent. Again again.

      Anyone foolish to download the app will find it runs in foreground and flattens the battery, resulting in swift removal.

      Grab the popcorn, and enjoy the entirely predictable disaster being arranged for your entertainment.

      It’s only taxpayers money being wasted, and that’s unlimited. Isn’t it?
      Gov: “What happened to all the tax receipts? Oh bother.”

      On the upside, whoever writes this app & database will never get paid.

      • Also, spam is usually unpleasant & unwanted. But in the right place…what fun.

  4. There’s a good discussion on this app over at Guido’s.
    3 stages: 10 point attack, NHS rebuttal, expert response & laughter.
    They cannot even keep the lies consistent or plausible.

    Privacy: “All data is anonymised, no privacy risks to public”
    Risk of malicious infection report (e.g. to shut down employer): “Penalties against anyone submitting false data”.
    So much for the privacy & anonymisation then.

    • This is the same discussion we were having fifteen years ago when the government wanted a national identity database. That would, of course, be secure and would not have been a honeypot for every hacker on the planet.

      • Aye.
        But there’s no point in arguing logic, the politicos are deaf as well as stupid (film quote).
        The answer is to target exactly the weaknesses for those in charge, and expose their little secrets, like massaging the staats 🙂
        Last heard, still on Imperial payroll, but only as the inhouse comedian now.
        Remember a few years ago, there was an online system for Junior Doctors to apply for their next postings (IIRC). Lots and lots of deeply personal and private info.
        Each doc’s entry has a URL…../3642 etc.
        So it was trivial to edit the URL in the address bar,use a different number, and pull up all the private data of another applicants.
        Or indeed, DownThemAll batch 000000-999999 and get them all.
        Turns out the “highly skilled” developers had never seen an address bar and didn’t understand you could do this.
        And they are in charge. Help!!!!!

        And of course, regardless of Garbage In, and Grabge maintenance, anything that comes out has the writ of God, so if the ID system says “Enemy of the State”, you won’t get the time to say “Not, ‘Tuttle’, my name is ‘Buttle'”…

        But to the tipped-off BBC helicam, it’s is as good as getting the guilty: someone is nabbed, who’s to care? Until they come for Beria.

  5. If I were of the 60-70% scared to go out crowd.
    So I download this app everyone will be safe.
    They might cancel the lockdown.

    They might make me go back work.

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