
I am not wearing a face mask.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has changed its advice on face masks, saying they should be worn in public where social distancing is not possible to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

The global body said new information showed they could provide “a barrier for potentially infectious droplets”.

Some countries already recommend or mandate face coverings in public.

The WHO had previously argued there was not enough evidence to say that healthy people should wear masks.

Fuck off. I am not wearing one and that is final. We don’t wear them during the flu season because they are not necessary. They are not necessary now. This panic is being artificially inflated and I am not playing along.

However, WHO director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Friday that “in light of evolving evidence, the WHO advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks where there is widespread transmission and physical distancing is difficult, such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments”.

Is that bloke still here? Why hasn’t the corrupt piece of shit been kicked out, yet?

Any shop that requires the wearing of a mask will lose my custom forever. Healthy people do not need to wear masks, just as they do not need to be quarantined. This is all about control and I will not enable it.

As an aside to this bollocks, Carl Vernon discusses an article in the BMJ on this very topic.


  1. Who’dathunkit. This latest needtobeseentodosomething mandatory measure is the result of politicians believing the shitscience they’ve been fed because it suits their power trip . . .

  2. Interesting interview on YT by James Delingpole of Dr John Lee. A comment below the line of the vid links to SAGE meetings minutes that suggest that HMG ignored SAGE advice re lockdown. If I remember the meeja was already clamouring for that so obviously the thing to do was to cave in to them.
    HMG’s now lost all credibility in my eyes and I won’t be following any more of their rules. I’m betting that in two weeks time there will be no spike in London, Cardiff, Birmingham etc in which case the whole country should just make a collective decision to get back to the old normal regardless of HMG’s tippy-toes easing measures.

  3. You could get yourself one of those scary looking plague masks and just take the piss.

    • Someone did that in Norfolk. Some idiot then posted it on Farcebook complaining that it scared her children. Norfolk plod then put out a plea for information because they wanted to talk to this individual. All very predictable.

  4. The alleged benefits are for healthcare, however the BMJ do not agree.
    Link below to a realworld study using the performance of masks as worn – BMJ states that masks do more harm than good and do not recommend routine wear.
    It would help if the proto dictators could read their own sodding reports.

  5. LR -apolgies, just watched the video now I’m home.
    Vatsmith, it would seem that fresh masks can interrupt the larger droplets however microbiologists think warm damp masks just provide a perfect breeding ground for spores, so pick your expert, medical or microbiological.
    I would be very cautious in citing the Lancet these days, they have just been caught publicising a fake study denigrating the HCQ trifecta and the editor is an XR loon.

    Legiron at underdogs has an opinion on masks worth reading.

  6. Three stupid unnecessary four month too late laws/rules from 15 June – to keep public scared and compliant

    Fuhrer Sturgeon considering making them mandatory outside home. Next, everyone to wear a burka for ‘social cohesion’?

    If Gov’t does make mandatory, I will wear “take the piss” crash helmet, Halloween mask, opera eye mask, WWII gas mask, chain-mail/Alu mesh mask, plague mask

  7. We are not being told to wear proper masks as that would divert from the NHS, dentists etc.
    We are told to cover our faces so I’ll opt for a pair of old pants over my head secured to my skull with a 1960’s M&S (St. Michael) elasticated belt with it’s groovy horizontal S shaped metal buckle to the fore.

    I had thought that new mask wearing edicts were to provide reassurance to the scared people still trying to hide from the virus indoors. But I now think that They will try to make us wear through the warm ( Covid19 free) summer and when we are all completely p*ssed off with them they will announce their shiny new vaccine.
    Ok people you can take off the masks once you’ve taken the vaccine. The NHS is skint so £99.90 please (card only).

    Was chatting with a recently unfurlloughed (?) Estate Agent who told me he was really busy and would be selling more if two of his team were not insisting on staying in furlough. No his firm will no longer be topping up the State bribe money and neither of them will have a job to go back to.
    Hardly anybody wearing masks out and about Sunday except a couple of Carers arriving at work.

    On a lighter note, at Plymouth BLM rally a cyclist got in altercation with them, he was being firmly led away by the Police but was still subjected to a hail of kicks and punches by the baying peaceful protesters. Video at Plymouth Live online.
    When Outrage meets the Self Righteous.

    • Was chatting with a recently unfurlloughed (?) Estate Agent who told me he was really busy and would be selling more if two of his team were not insisting on staying in furlough. No his firm will no longer be topping up the State bribe money and neither of them will have a job to go back to.

      Quite right too. If there is work to go back to and they choose not to because they are craven cowards, then they get to pay the price of their cowardice.

  8. Not sure where we are supposed to buy them from, my friends elderly mother has made a mask out of a pair of her knickers, clean ones I hasten to add! Think I will stick to wearing a scarf, wear masks at work and you end up with a dry throat, bit of a cough and feel tired and exhausted. Eaten a lot of ice cream to counter balance the effect!

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