Communist Utopia

The Salty Cracker is cracking himself laughing at the Seattle experiment. I’d missed this one. It seems that the “no walls, no police” brigade have seized six blocks in Seattle and set up walls along with their own police force. Doubtless the irony has passed them by. Within twenty four hours they are begging for food and fighting among themselves over the leadership. George Orwell’s Animal Farm is being played out before our eyes.


  1. Absolutely hilarious. They didn’t have enough foresight to know that they would need food. Do you think that the rest of the idiots will learn anything from this, or just make excuses for the fools?

  2. There is a distinct risk that I am going to run out of popcorn. Place barricades to ensure they cannot escape their Utopia and discover if there is a Pay Per View angle too…

  3. Mr Cracker is hilarious, why hasn’t he been deplatformed? Must look up more of his stuff.
    “The homeless people took our foood” multiLOLZ

    Yeah, let the fools run themselves into the ground and count the bodies when it’s all over.

  4. My thought is that these people don’t have any clue how the world actually works. They take stuff, food and every other type of goods, totally for granted with no clue about how it is produced and brought to them. Presumably when they started this little caper, they thought that stuff would just magically appear the way that it always has done, every single day of their cossetted little lives.

    • D’you know I’m constantly amazed that supposedly grown up people don’t seem to understand how business works. I deal with many who haven’t grasped the concept that time is money.

  5. And I always thought “Escape from NY” was a joke movie…

    I liked the comments about Pay Per View…sort of a “Big Brother” program with the gloves off.
    You get to vote who gets eaten next.

    I think this is playing into Trump’s hands. He will wait until the mayor is just begging for help.

  6. Only laugh I’ve had all week. I intend to watch the updates rather as others watch Corrie.

      • OMG LOL “I’m a peaceful man” before erupting into violence. They’ll be queuing at the ‘farm’ expecting to see pre-packed apples having grown of the ground! Pity that the authorities will have to barge in when they start murdering each other.

      • Tthanks longrider, spent half of yesterday on Saltys sites.
        I haven’t been able to buy clothes for two months yet they run out in a few days. Their requests for supplies reminds me of a post Catrina spoof photo.
        Helicopter shot of a flooded shack with blankets spread out to read
        “HELP US – NEED CRACK”

  7. Absolutely love the farm. A few years ago I had a go at growing vegetables, I’m intending to do so again now that I’m retired. The thing is, I got a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction out of it but it came nowhere near to being worth the work that needed to be put in, it was just a hobby. We still had to buy most of our food from Asda. These people think that they will be able to feed themselves from that little plot? I wonder how long they think that plants take to grow?

      • We had a book that was written by someone who had done a real life version of The Good Life as a kind of experiment. If I remember correctly, they suggested an area about the size of two tennis courts would be needed to feed an average family. As for tipping soil onto cardboard, the obvious question is why? They obviously have no clue how plants grow, are they not even aware that plants have roots?

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