Comment Spam

When I first set up this blog, I had a short run of idiots trying to spam the comments section. It died down and hasn’t been an issue for years. Now suddenly this past couple of weeks or so, I’m under a bombardment.

I would have thought these people would realise that WordPress has first comment moderation in place by default, so nothing will get out of the moderation queue. Then there’s Akismet doing its thing in the background. In my case I have a plug in that will block the comment even being put onto the database, so if they do get through to the spam queue, I just put their details in that and they go. That plugin has been working pretty hard this past week or so.

Nothing gets onto the blog and never has, but the bots keep trying. I can only presume that they think it’s a winning strategy…


  1. It seems that these bots and their controllers, just like lefties, morons, and others of that ilk, are inherently incapable of learning from experience.

    • Well, quite. As a marketing technique it is a failed one long past its sell by date. Sites these days have a fairly easy defence against them in first post moderation. Long gone are the days when they could leave comments that got through even if for a short while. As for dead sites, again, if they are WordPress or similar ilk, the spam just sits in the moderation queue to rot.

  2. When I blogged as Banned I got a few spams but they were all caught by Blogger and binned.
    Oddly enough most were in BB code which doesn’t work on Blogger anyway.

    Just for a laugh I titled a post
    “Young Couple In Hardcore Action”
    Got hundreds of spams, all caught by Blogger.
    The post was actually about a couple of rich twentysomethings going to London to protest about Climate Change.

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