How to Respond

This is worth reading in full. It puts a nasty little twitter complainer in his place with aplomb and a dash of acid humour. It’s a long way of referring the little tit to Arkell v Pressdram and very well done it is, too.

Thank you for your e-mail, entitled ‘Formal Complaint Regarding the Twitter Activity of The Harlequin Pub’ which was received by the Director of Exit 33 Brewery. Due to the serious nature of this e-mail, and the allegations contained therein, the brewery has forwarded this on to me to respond swiftly as you requested. As a self-employed woman and publican of over 10 years, I can assure you that I take the opinions of random people on the internet very seriously indeed.

I assume that you are unfamiliar with the phrase “independent pub”, so let me help you out. As an independent pub, I am in no way controlled or overseen by anyone. I care about my staff, about my regulars, and about their opinions (well, some of their opinions, some of them are ridiculous), and that’s about it. Exit 33 has absolutely nothing to do with my opinions, my expression of those opinions, or in fact anything to do with running the pub. So please, leave them out of it. The Harlequin’s relationship with the brewery exists as follows:

Brewery: “Hey, Harlequin, wanna buy some beer?”

Harlequin: “Hell yeah, you make lovely beer, we’ll buy some thanks!”

Do go and read it all.


    • Good point. When it started, I was dismissive given the character count. Blogging was all the rage at the time and a blog post along with commentary can explore an argument and all its nuances in a way that a few soundbites cannot. I felt that this was a platform designed for the hard of thinking.

      I wasn’t wrong, was I?

      • Indeed you weren’t… One of the few comments made by David Cameron that I agreed with was “Too many tweets make a twat”, something that seems to have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt.

  1. Would have taken the complainant at least three days to read the response and then she (?) will have forgotten what she read on the first day. Probably too thick to note the amusing little barbs at her expense.

  2. “…I can assure you that I take the opinions of random people on the internet very seriously indeed.”

    I loved that bit. 🙂

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