Oh, God…

These people really don’t see the parallel.

British supermarket Morrisons called the police on a disabled man who was medically exempt from wearing a face mask after attempting to make him wear a yellow sticker.

Yes, really.

Christ almighty! Wear a yellow sticker. Really? The lack of self-awareness is staggering. Listen to the ignorance of the two employees. Both are breaking the law.

I hope the gentleman concerned does take it further.



  1. I hope that this becomes widely known about. Personally I will never shop at Morrison’s as long as I live. Absolutely disgusting.

    • It’s unbelievable that they couldn’t see the parallel, let alone not having been made aware of the law. Someone, somewhere in Morrison’s came up with this hideous idea.

  2. I’ve been going to Morrisons, unmasked, since the first lockdown. Last time a large sign told me to tell the “colleague on the door that you are exempt” which I did – much to his surprise. Maybe I just live in an area where no-one gives a damn.

    The pandemic has certainly brought out the worst in so many people and organisations.

  3. Yellow sticker? Good God, have Morrisons gone mad or is this from Fuhrer Hancock?

    Yes, take it further – minimum £7,000 further

    Morrisons today:
    Like Jay, walked in unmasked as usual. Walked past security chap and said hello.

    First time ever:
    Most of shop done, security chap appears “Where’s your mask?”

    Me: I’m exempt

    Him: Do you have a card, lanyard?

    Me: I’m exempt – I dismissed him & walked on

    Had friendly chat with unmasked checkout woman initiated by her

    Imo some zealot watching cctv or a zealot customer caused this

    Will update on “yellow sticker” next visit

    btw: I have walked unmasked past masked police (shopping) in store and they didn’t bat an eyelid

    • Yes, indeed. Someone, somewhere thought that this was a good idea. Cretin.

      The law is remarkably simple, yet despite them hitting the news repeatedly we are still seeing these stories. You can’t educate pork, it seems. So, yes, they need to be sued good and hard so they get the message.

  4. Was it star shaped? Yes indeed make all those disabled people, mask exempt people, Jews and Roman Catholics, gypsies, homosexuals and any other minorities I haven’t thought of wear a yellow star. Papers please! I really would like a luger too.

  5. Morrisons say “Nothing to see here, wasn’t us”

    Morrisons reveals the truth behind claims its forcing shoppers without masks to wear yellow stickers



    Hmm, I find it difficult to believe a Morrisons store manager did this himself. Store manager beside Dreghorn Barracks had HQ permission to allow Rolling Thunder to meet up pre-rally in car park

    This has a strong stench of Hancock

    • The comments under the Sun article really give an insight into the level of stupidity inherent in the great British public. Barely a brain cell between them. And the usual claptrap about if you can’t wear a mask you shouldn’t go out. These really are the hard of thinking.

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