How the Ratchet Turns

We’ve gone from denial that a covid passport will happen to actually, now it might be a good idea.

Vaccine passports could be a “tool in the short term” to reopen theatres and sports stadiums, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has said.

The government needs to “look at all options” to “make areas of our national life viable”, he said, but no decisions have yet been made.

Oliver Dowden is a hideous authoritarian. There is no place for such a thing in a liberal democracy. These people have taken the CCP as their template and a supine population has gone along with it.

Well I don’t. I refuse. Any business that expects me to produce papers to prove that I’m not a leper can do one. And that will be for life. I will never, never patronise any establishment that imposes this vile idea.


  1. They’ve tasted ultimate power now and they want to hang on to it.

    How much would it cost to set this system up properly?

    What would the actual benefits be?

    Would they ever get rid of it?

    Unfortunately we all know the answers to these questions.

  2. See my post here

    Comments on the proposal will be accepted until 23:59:59 Monday, March 29

    Please submit your opposition to Gove’s ghastly proposal asap

    Not only stadiums, passport to go to Church too

    The government needs to “look at all options” to “make areas of our national life viable”, he said, but no decisions have yet been made

    Yes, look at and implement the Freedom & Prosperity option, end lockdown and all restrictions immediately as Florida, Texas and more have done with no surge in ‘cases’

    Boris triumphant as UK is the world leader in locked down, closed, imprisoned, deaths, highest GDP fall…

  3. Dear Mr Longrider

    From first principles, the course of the epidemic could be approximated to that of a seasonal ‘flu. The evidence as it unfolded last year supported that conjecture, and evidence so far this year reinforces it. There are no valid reasons to suppose that the virus will suddenly take off on a third-wave killing spree any time soon, so we could be allowed out now with no ill-effect and a huge benefit to society and the economy. But we won’t.

    For people like Mr *hitty and Sir Valance Bedspread not to be able to see that suggests either unbelievable ignorance or wilful disregard of the evidence, and all the government are happy to go along with it.

    I dare say Mr *hitty ‘earned’ his sirhood, but not for the published reasons.

    Mr Legiron’s scenario of a more deadly variant being cultivated in a vaccinated public won’t surface until the autumn this year at the earliest.

    Perhaps our beloved government is fully aware of the risks of mass vaccination and is eagerly anticipating the potential for further impositions on the Great British Public in the autumn.


    • I fully expect a spike in the autumn, just as I expected one last autumn. And as expected, masks, lock-downs, vaccines and anti-social distancing made not one jot of difference. They are the modern equivalent of sacrificing a virgin to appease the gods.

  4. We’ve gone from denial that a covid passport will happen to actually, now it might be a good idea.

    Never believe anything until it’s been officially denied.

    The whole thing about “COVID passports” for access to local services (i.e. explicitly not related to international travel) is completely unworkable. If we give them to the old-folks and perennially sick (or just plain obese) then the youngsters will be rioting (again) because they are effectively being excluded simply because they are not part of the vaccination programme at this stage. When all those who wish to be vaccinated have done so (including the youngsters), then it simply becomes a tool of oppression against the refuseniks.

    The least divisive option is to simply leave it to the discretion of management and they can take the risk of enforcing it if they choose and the consequential fallout if they get it wrong, including people walking away and refusing to use their business in the future. That way this nonsense will have the necessary “downwards pressure” such that any application of it is removed as soon as practicable.

    The alternative is having this nonsense hanging over us forever and while that would please the totalitarians who are always looking for an excuse to order people about (like Oliver Dowden MP), it is certainly not in the interests of the wider public.

    The totalitarians will always use any excuse to increase state oversight and control of the plebs. They should be refused directly, openly in their faces and at the ballot box. The sex and travel option ALWAYS applies.

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