They Might Have a Point

The scaredy cats are more judgemental of others.

The people most worried about catching Covid judge other people’s behaviour more harshly, a study has claimed.

Cambridge University researchers claimed people were more likely to look down on others or react with disgust at questionable actions if they were afraid of Covid.

There wasn’t a clear link to the virus itself but people may be less forgiving if they felt their own health was at risk, the scientists said.

They added it meant people’s judgements of others’ behaviour was not totally rational but was tied to their own feelings.

I’m generally pretty dismissive of these studies. However, on this occasion I think they may have a point. Certainly from my experience, the rule breakers and general refuseniks seem to be more relaxed about what others get up to and are less inclined to point at others or snitch on them for rule breaking. Certainly I don’t care what others get up to and I’ve been well aware of neighbours breaking the government’s rules/guidelines/made up codswallop* and have done nothing about it as have the other neighbours, just as the local cafe largely ignores the fact that people walk in not wearing masks and striding past the QR code as if it’s not there. They put it up, that’s their bit done, they make no attempt to police it and no one follows the one way system or the marks on the floor.

*delete as applicable


  1. Those most worried about catching it have been brainwashed by the government and MSM propaganda. Of course they are worried by the actions of others – that is what they’ve been told to be…

    It is the same people that start waving their hand in front of their face when they see somebody spark-up 200m away, “because of the deadly second-hand smoke”


  2. What has disappointed me about the whole coronavirus crisis is how so many ostensibly intelligent people have swallowed all the gubbermint, BBC, NHS scaremongering propaganda, and are now terrified. A lot of these people seem to think that catching the virus is an inevitable death sentence. What happened to putting things into perspective and thinking rationally?

    • I regard the prime product of my education as being taught HOW to think. The state education system of the last half century has been dedicated to teaching people WHAT to think – the Covid PR output is merely an extension of that long-established process and reaches a pre-prepared and softened audience known as the hard-of-thinking.

  3. “Those most worried about catching it have been brainwashed by the government and MSM propaganda.”

    Today is Mrs. Stonyground’s birthday so we have had relatives visiting to drop off cards and presents and to wish her happy returns. My relatives are highly intelligent people but their profound ignorance on the Covid issue is horrifying. I’m now in the dog house for my lack of diplomacy in correcting their, totally effing obvious misconceptions. The thing that frightens me is the complete lack of natural curiosity about something that is currently a hugely important issue. Surely for intelligent people, there is a moral duty to make sure that you are informed about it. Instead they all sit in front of the BBC news like effing nodding dogs.

  4. Certainly from my experience, the rule breakers and general refuseniks seem to be more relaxed about what others get up to and are less inclined to point at others or snitch on them for rule breaking

    Absolutely, live and let live and do no harm. That pretty much sums up UK Common Law

    Twat: “Have you had your jab?”
    Me: MYOB
    Blair: MYOB (MMR)

    Adopt Woke identity politics:

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