Another Day

Another scam.

I received an email from HMRC a few weeks back telling me that I’m not eligible for the fourth tranche of the SEISS. I wasn’t surprised due to my falling income over the past three years so my self employed income is no longer greater than 50% of my overall income.

Then, today, I received this email.

Click to embiggen.

These cretins can’t even get the tranche right. There is no fifth tranche yet and may not be – we are currently in the process of the fourth. Then there’s the web link: I’m pretty sure that is not a genuine HMRC address…  Oh, and the email address in the header is not a genuine HMRC address and the HMRC never put a link in their emails. And, having applied for previous grants I can confirm that you do not need passport and driving licence details as HMRC have all they need already.