It is Deceit

In no way do I condone the attack this man carried out. However

Suhel Sood, 34, met his victim at a party after she turned up with her boyfriend.

He later found himself alone with the woman and she performed a sex act on sex on him.

Sood eventually turned on the light and exclaimed “you’re a man” before punching her repeatedly and slamming her head down on a washing machine.

He called the victim a “dog” and forced her to clean up her own blood before she was allowed to leave the party in Reading, Berkshire, on November, 14, 2020.

Prosecutor Oliver Weetch told Reading Crown Court: “This assault arose entirely from Mr Sood discovering that she was transgender and thereafter assaulting her.”

Sood was cleared of sexual assault but jailed for 16 months after he admitted assault causing actual bodily harm.

What wasn’t said here is that he presumably saw the ladypenis. After all, up to this point he had been convinced that he was with a woman. And despite some of the more extreme comments on this subject you might see over at Worstall Towers, some transgender types are pretty convincing. They are not all like Les Dawson in drag. There are tells of course, if you are observant, but, yes, sometimes they pass pretty well. This one obviously was one of those.

“You were happy to entertain his girlfriend,” the judge said.

“You were even happy to entertain his girlfriend after (the boyfriend) went home to his wife. You were in the company of an attractive woman.”

There is so much wrong here, it’s difficult to know where to start… No, he was not in the company of an attractive woman, he was in the company of a man, passing as a woman. At this point, we can only presume that this is pre-op. Even post op, a transwoman is still biologically male and in the event of a sexual encounter, the right thing to do is inform the prospective partner as they may well have an objection. This, of course, is highly un PC as we are supposed not to mind and not wishing to date or bed a transwoman involves some sort of mental illness. But, given that many men will not wish to engage with someone who was born male it is in everyone’s best interests to be honest up front. There are men who actively want to date and have sex with transwomen. They are known as admirers. If you ask them, they will claim, straight faced, that they are not homosexual. Denial ain’t just a river in Africa.

The problem here is that as the cultural marxism of the alphabet soup brigade with Stonewall at the head of the charge, has cowed our society into craven submission it has failed to acknowledge human nature and what has happened here is human nature in the raw. Sood – presumably of a particular religious background – will have had very strong feelings about homosexuality and was not afraid to act upon them when he felt violated.

“You threw words around like ‘deceit’. You accused her of raping you. There is no culpability on your part. She is a woman, that is how she identifies.”

You see the problem here. A transwoman – especially pre-op – is not a woman. If the prospective partner enters into sexual relations without knowing, then it is deceit – what else would you call it? Just because someone identifies as a woman, it doesn’t follow that biology magically changed, because it doesn’t. Most men do not want to enter into sexual relations with someone who has a penis. The LGBTQWERTY and Stonewall types might stamp their feet over this, but you cannot change human desires. It is what it is.

So, sure, Sood was wrong to engage in violence and the drugs and alcohol may well have been a factor, but let’s be clear here, the deception was wrong, but this pandering in the media and business and the law into believing that men can be women and vice versa is also partly to blame for this. If someone wants to transition, then by all means do. But to engage intimately with a prospective partner without telling them is deceit and it will have the potential to backfire very badly. And on this occasion, backfire, it did.

BTW, it was in November. Weren’t parties supposed to be banned in November?


  1. Haven’t there been cases where a man had sex with a woman which she consented to, on the agreement he would wear a condom, but he was convicted of rape because he surreptitiously removed the condom and went ahead without it? How is that any different to this? If the ‘woman’ in this case had been asked prior ‘Are you a woman?’ and had answered in the affirmative, what would be the situation then? The man was consenting to sex with ‘a woman’ surely if she/he wasn’t a woman that would invalidate his consent?

      • I wonder what the law’s response would be to a case which was exactly the same, except that the person pretending to be a woman was quite happy to admit that they were only pretending to be a woman, and were actual a man? And that he got his jollies by pretending to be a woman and sucking unsuspecting men’s dicks? Would that be a crime, and if so, how is it different to this case?

  2. I must be in some strange alternate reality.
    Sood is he victim here: he was sexually assaulted by a man pretending (without his knowledge) to be a woman.
    He reacted in fear and outrage, unsure of his attacker’s motive and threat.
    Yet he is the one prosecuted!
    Though perhaps he should have insisted on some basic testing beforehand? And refusal thereof might have been a clue.

    I do hope the judge gets convicted of dirtying the knife belonging to his/her stabber in his/her final encounter?

  3. I self identify as a duck. Therefore any crime I commit can’t be a crime because ducks cannot be prosecuted under existing laws for whatever crime I happen to commit. A “Get out of jail” card par excellence.

    Insane? Yes, but if I “self identify” as a woman (and believe me, Les Dawson in drag would be like a Playboy centrefold compared to me pretending to be a woman) then the whole world should pander to my mental delusion?

    There WILL be a backlash eventually and the 1% will realise that trying to force the 99% to conform to their delusions will not be a good idea.

  4. @Jim : I remember that case, does seem to have some relevance though when you have a judge stating that identifying as such makes it so, it’s pretty clear to see that the game is over.

    This while rainbow bullshitjust seems to me to be an attack on the West. It’s not tolerated in any other cultures that I can see.

    Also fair to say that the pronoun thing only really works in English where there isn’t too much in the way of accidence. If you try and add 50 genders in German, or Godforbid, Polish, you’ll end up with a personal pronoun declension table of something in the order of 150 variants. It’s hard enough enough learn as it is.

    Sure, the whole gender flexible thing is happening in Europe too, but there’s a lot more resistance (Poland and Hungary spring to mind).

    @Phil B : the backlash is already happening and when Islam meets critical mass I expect a significant number of the rooftop parties they seem so fond of.

    I struggle with the concept of homosexuals attending Pride marches when that rainbow flag incorporates diversity of religion, which by definition means ascendancy of Islam. Think there’s a saying about hoists and petard that’s somewhat adroit.

  5. I didn’t read the article because I couldn’t be bothered with all the cookie interrogation, but I’m at a loss to see why he was charged with a sexual assault, even if he was cleared of it. It seems obvious the man/woman that got beaten up was the only one committing a sexual assault

    • The problem here is that people will not acknowledge that it was a homosexual encounter. Not even those discharging the law of the land. Black is the new white.

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