Let’s See What Happens

Finally the mask mandate comes to an end a year after it was imposed.

Wearing face masks will no longer be compulsory after ‘freedom day’ on July 19, Robert Jenrick has confirmed.

The Housing Secretary said the latest coronavirus data is ‘very positive’ as Boris Johnson prepares for the final stage in his lockdown exit roadmap.

Mr Jenrick said ‘the state won’t be telling you what to do’ after rules are eased and there will be a shift in emphasis towards ‘personal choice’ and judgement.

His comments came as Sajid Javid said the best way to protect the nation’s health is to lift the remaining Covid-19 curbs.

Well, yes, good. None of it should have happened in the first place and we need to be assured that it will never happen again. It will be interesting to see how things change. Will people discard this piece of absurd theatre or will they continue to walk about with these idiotic masks on their faces even in the open air or alone in the car?

It does mean that I will be discarding my sunflower lanyard. I wore it despite not liking it very much simply for a quiet life. I have not worn a mask this past year and being exempt anyway, I took full advantage of the exemption. I have been fortunate in that no one has challenged me. Others have not been so fortunate. Likewise, I have not followed the DVSA’s recommendation of twice weekly lateral flow tests, nor have we gone down the route imposed on ADIs of sanitising the vehicles. I have watched examiners masked and gloved, going through this ridiculous charade each time they go out for a test as if the car and the candidate are poison. This is a religious ritual, not an effective method of disease control and the exaggerated manner of the whole thing drives it home.

I have found that the majority of motorcycle candidates treat the whole thing with a decent dose of contempt. You meet the nicest people on a motorcycle.


  1. Hold your horses, Mr Longrider. It hasn’t happened yet. There’s still time for them to perform a U-turn and announce that face muzzles must continue to be worn after July 19th.

    However, if it *does* happen, it will be very interesting to see how many of the petrified sheep continue to wear a muzzle. I was just reading in the Independent about a poll that found that just under two-thirds of people are scared at the prospect of an end to mandatory muzzle wearing. Sure enough, virtually all the comments on the story were from people in favour of continued lockdowns, muzzle wearing and anti-social distancing.

    • I did have three tests. I had to go into hospital a year ago for a minor procedure and had to have a negative test before going in. Then they cancelled while I was waiting, so more tests. Otherwise, I’ve not bothered.

  2. I’ve not done a single test, worn a single mask or followed a single one of the other ridiculous rules or guidelines since this whole charade began. I’m pretty sure I had the bug before it was even a thing, felt a bit under the weather for a week which is most unusual then just carried on with my life the same way most others should have.

    This government has utterly failed to protect the vulnerable or keep the country working; I have nothing but contempt for them.

  3. Actually, massive testing and early treatment with hydroxichloriquine and azymothrycin if positive should have been the way to treat this, as staying at home, if you were vulnerable, meant that the next time you’d see a doctor would be when admitted to an icu and your prognosis was poor as your immune system had already done the damage.

    This isolate until it goes away thing has killed 1000s and I hope that those responsible will be eventually tried.

  4. I’ve not work a mask (apart from a couple of isolated incidents) and I’ve rarely had so much as a raised eyebrow.
    B&Q Refused me once and So did Tesco, so I went somewhere else
    I went in Bargain Booze at the weekend and there was a chap going in front of me. He stopped, put his mask on, went in and held the door for me, saw I wasn’t wearing one and put his back in his pocket. A similar thing happened in the pound shop months ago

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