Makes No Difference

Apparently the NHS test and trace app is in doubt now that restrictions are planned to be lifted, including not being required to check in at venues.

There’s doubt over the future of the NHS Covid-19 contact tracing app for England and Wales, as the government prepares to relax restrictions in England on 19 July.

But one advisor says the app has proved effective and urged the government not to drop it.

Among the restrictions that the Prime Minister said would be scrapped in England is a requirement to check in at venues.

A QR code scanner allowing people to check in has been a key feature of the NHS Covid-19 app.

In recent days there have been complaints from many businesses that the app is sending out far too many alerts, causing disruption as employees are sent home.

Okaaay… I have never downloaded this monstrosity onto my phone, so have never used it to check in anywhere. It has been very rare to be asked to check in either by using the app or manually. Most venues have the facility at the door – therefore meeting their obligations – and leave it up to visitors. Although it’s only my observations here and mysbe it’s the kind of places I go to, but I haven’t noticed people signing in anywhere unless specifically asked as I was down in Lynmouth a few weeks back. Neither my father nor I had the app on our phones so just gave a random number and everyone was happy. Frankly, I cannot recall when I last saw someone using the QR code to register their arrival. Which kind of leads onto the latest announcement.

Fully vaccinated people in England will not have to self-isolate if a close contact tests positive for Covid from 16 August, the health secretary says.

Being one of the unclean, I am excluded from this and would have to self isolate if caught out by this system. However, given that I’ve not played by their rules, the likelihood is pretty rare. I intend to keep it that way. I don’t give my phone number out, I don’t sign in anywhere unless asked and then don’t give out my real phone number and I don’t have the app. I am effectively flying under the radar and again, talking to people on a daily basis and observing the behaviour of other people entering various premises, it’s clear that I’m far from alone, just as I am not alone in blocking their vaccination number. It would appear that there is a groundswell of quiet rebellion. A typically British one. No one is making a huge fuss. They are just quietly refusing to comply and it is refreshing to see.

So, how is Javid’s vaccine apartheid going to work then?


  1. You are not alone. I walked the length of our local hospital yesterday wearing my made-up exemption pendant without being challenged. The consultant, who I’d never met before, was a breath of fresh air. He pointed out the mask on his computer top and said ” I only wear that to move around the building in case the mask nazis get me”. He was fully up to date with accurate figures. Part of the examination was to prod the point of maximum pain, whereupon I shouted “Shit!”. He fell back into his seat laughing loudly and pointing to the “no violence to staff ” poster on the wall. I almost wish I had a third hip so he could replace it!

    • Apologies if you’ve read this before. I originally posted it to U b U and thought it hadn’t uploaded. It had.

  2. I’ve had the second jab (I got nagged into it by the wife). A vaguely bizarre experience, but I won’t carry any certificate around with me and don’t get asked for my name and number that often.

    Frankly I look upon all these restrictions as futile, as the disease did it’s worst in March and April last year. We’ve been safe as houses for ages, but no one listens, they’ve become frightened of their own tiny shadows.

    • The government has made a fine job of most people being frightened of everyone else. This is terrible. See how people avoid other people in the street. Yet I bet these same people will flock to sports grounds and festivals. Such is the madness being showed upon us.

  3. I live in Wales.
    It’s a whole different bunch of prodnose Nazis here.
    Went to the pub with the lads from work after shift the other week.
    Apparently the NHS app isn’t good enough for Furher Drakefords paradise. We all had to use a qr code to sign into the Welsh system…
    By which I mean I waved my phone in front of it and then pretended to fill in a form (checked my emails).
    Bar maid obviously didn’t give a toss, but had to go through the motions.
    Obviously the Great Soviet Socialist Republic of Wales is going to keep the restrictions longer than England. 🙁

  4. However, given that I’ve not played by their rules, the likelihood is pretty rare. I intend to keep it that way. I don’t give my phone number out, I don’t sign in anywhere unless asked and then don’t give out my real phone number and I don’t have the app.

    Yup, same here. No apps have ever been used or downloaded. I’ve played the “old geezer” routine before now with my Nokia 100 dumb phone “How do I do that on my phone young fella me lad”? They’ve either waved me through or given me a clipboard and pen for my fake name and fake number.

    I quite enjoy the creativity actually.

    “Who shall I be today”?

  5. When taking my mother for a cardio test, I dutifully sat in the waiting room, phone obediently off due to all the ‘NO MOBILES!’ posters plastered around…

    …a d right below one of said posters, a ‘scan yourself in here!’ poster. Pretty hard to do if your phone’s off.

  6. It appears that Sainbury’s CEO has made promising noises regarding face muzzles post July 19th. He has said muzzles will be optional for customers and staff. That’s good, as I’m a regular Sainsbury’s customer, and so they will still receive my custom (despite the fact that they are ‘woke’).

    The story in the Wandsworth Times has the following headline: “Sainsbury’s announces controversial rule change from July 19”. I’m sorry, but Sainsbury’s announcement is not controversial at all, as far as I’m concerned. It’s clear to see where the Wandsworth Times stands on these issues: pro-muzzles and (no doubt) pro-lockdown.

    • I stopped shopping in Sainsbury’s last year when they imposed their stupid rules. No way was I going to queue in the car park.

  7. NHS staff are deleting Covid app as calls grow for doctors to be exempt from self-isolation
    Managers say some staff are privately leaving app off at all times or deleting it because they fear being forced to into quarantine.
    It also tends to suggest that as NHS staff, who should really be more knowledgeable about Covid than the general public, see fit to delete the app that they see it as not a particularly worrying illness – unlike a large proportion of the public, media and politicians who perceive it as the modern coming of “The Black Death”.

    The only thing the NHS staff appear to be deathly afraid of is salads.
    The Swedes stuck with the WHO 2019 pandemic response plan. We, and most of the world, panicked and threw the plan out of the window.
    Unsurprisingly the long thought out plan was better than the one made up in a panic.

  8. It is interesting that we are being told that it is essential that we get vaccinated and yet also being told to behave as if the vaccine doesn’t actually work. It appears that you need to be a member of some kind of intellectual elite to notice this really obvious contradiction.

    One really fun result of the Covid lunacy has been several b list county cricketers getting to play for the England One Day International team. The entire ODI team tested positive, I doubt if any of them were actually ill but there is obviously a real risk of them making other people not ill so we can’t be too careful. Anyway, our hastily compiled team, effectively a B team totally splattered Pakistan so that was fun.

  9. DILDO Harding’s tory chumocracy failed test-&-not-trace system?
    Go on you’re ‘aving a larff, aren’t you?

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