Not Too Misleading

Shock! Horror! Australia has had a covid death. Yes, just the one.

Australia has reported its first locally contracted coronavirus death this year.

The authorities said a woman, in her 90s, died in Sydney. She had contracted the virus in a family setting.

Ah. So she died of complications from advanced age, then. The headline should be: elderly woman in her nineties dies of old age.

As you were.


    • We’ve been here nearly twenty years and never observed it as a national trait. Australia is a worse nanny state than the UK and most Australians are enthusiastic adherents. This pandemic has scene them at their absolute worst. The country has become divided by state and territory, with people fully supporting border closures that have caused great hardship for border communities who normally carry out their everyday lives on both sides of the border. Parents have been separated from premature babies, people from dying relatives and we had the wicked witch of the North, Anastasia Palaszczuk declaring that Queensland hospitals are for Queenslanders.

    • We used to call that “A Good Innings”. Now it’s a cause for wailing and gnashing of teeth.

      Presumably, whomever infected her with Chyna Bat Koof is going to be up on a murder charge.

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