Go Forth and Multiply

No. I won’t. Haven’t so far and never will.

In Savid Javid’s Sunday Telegraph interview he said people in crowded enclosed spaces should continue to wear masks, “and if someone is not doing that, frankly, they’re just being irresponsible, they’re not playing their role as a responsible citizen”

How dare you! How fucking dare you, you vile, authoritarian scumbag! Your stupid masks don’t stop pathogens. There is plenty of scientific evidence to this effect, yet still you seek to denigrate people who withstand your extreme, useless bedwetting measures. Well fuck you. Fuck you in the arse and in the eye. I will not be wearing one of your ridiculous masks and I will not be anti-social distancing and I will visit whoever I like whenever I like. I was born a free man and I will not have it taken from me by a shitstain like you. And I will not be lectured to on matters of responsibility by a disgusting piece of excrescence such as a politician. You arseholes wouldn’t know what responsibilty was if it slapped you around the face with a wet kipper. Fuck off and die.


  1. Go on, say what you think……………….oh, you did. All masks do is redirect some air flow and may reduce any aerosols you emit. But that’s all. Bog standard ones are just theatre. Only N95 closely fitted masks stop viruses but you need eye protection too. It’s what are used on Covid-19 wards. These ones do work but only for a few hours.

  2. Where can I obtain a phoney mask exemption badge/lanyard/whatever? I have had enough of this shit and the lying, u-turning, scumbag “Conservative” politicians.

    I feel I should be exempt from wearing a muzzle. Not for medical reasons, as such, but for practical reasons. Being extremely short-sighted, I wear glasses. When I wear a face muzzle, my glasses steam up, which makes things difficult. I could remove my glasses, but then I would be unable to read signs or anything else that’s more than a foot or so away from me.

    • You won’t need a mask exemption, in fact you never have. If challenged its just two words – ‘I’m exempt’… and that’s it. They (shop workers) are not allowed to ask why or demand any proof of exemption.

      After July 19th, it will be PERSONAL choice – not the choice of shop managers or employers. If you do not want to wear one then simply don’t. Its up to you.

      Personally, I was born free, and need neither permission or forgiveness.

      • Some people have had kickback from this approach. Personally, I haven’t. I use the sunflower lanyard to pre-empt it. Thing is, I actually am exempt. Had the exemption rule not been put in, I’d have refused anyway precisely because I have respiratory difficulties.

        • I am exempt too due to lung problems. I wear a lanyard and must say I have not had any problems in any setting, hospitals, dentist or shops. I can’t get over how scared people are. If, instead of giving death numbers they refined it by age, preexisting conditions etc there would have been less fear. I personally know of two friends put down as COVID deaths who were dying anyway and caught it in hospital. May have hastened their death by a few weeks or months but definitely not the cause.

      • It won’t actually be ‘personal choice’, as any business/organisation will be legally entitled to limit entry to anyone, e.g. only to those wearing masks, providing it is not discriminating on other defined grounds such as race, religion etc.

        Some businesses may accept the loss of trade, some non-commercial organisations may not worry about loss of footfall, but you can be sure that ‘personal choice’ will not be the absolute measure, you’re living on Fantasy Island if you think it will be.

        • It probably won’t make a great deal of difference to me. The places I do frequent aren’t being silly about masks and the rule is being ignored already. Any that do insist are unlikely to be places that I would go to anyway and if they do, I shall never use them again.

          But, yes, I take your point.

  3. “How dare you! How fucking dare you, you vile, authoritarian scumbag! ”

    I agree. However, he’s just miffed that he hasn’t got his own way and is throwing a tantrum like the toddler he is. Same with Michie, I expect a full meltdown.

  4. Politician speaks with forked tongue. We don’t really know if he is stupid enough to actually believe that masks make any difference or if he is saying what he thinks will chime with with empty headed voters. Have you been to Fahrenheit211 lately. He excoriates the witless Claudia Webbe for her ignorance and stupidity but at least she is honest. At least you know what you are getting, she really is that ignorant and stupid, she isn’t a liar she is an idiot. Savid Javid, and those like him are far more sinister.

  5. I’ve asked countless people how mask-wearing, introduced on public transport and in shops two months and three and a half months after the peak of deaths respectively, can be said to have accomplished anything other than keep them anxious. I needn’t bother telling you how many even comprehend the question. We had control groups in the form of the Diamond Princess cruise ship and here in the UK supermarket cashiers who were breathed over by strangers all day every day during the toilet paper-buying mania without falling like flies, but attempt to bring any of this up and it’s as if you’ve farted in a lift. Many people seem to crave oppression. If only they would indulge their masochistic tendencies in private.

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