Are These People Stupid…

Or mendacious?

Covid jabs will not end the pandemic and leaders should prepare to adjust their vaccine strategy to deal with the virus in the long-term, the World Health Organization‘s director for Europe has warned.

Dr Hans Kluge said new strains of Covid will continue to emerge and the virus will remain with us like the flu.

Earlier this year, he said the pandemic would be over once 70 per cent of people were fully immunised.

But he admitted today that the situation had now changed, so leaders need to adapt their vaccination strategy.

I have never claimed expertise, but I do understand what an RNA virus is and that it mutates constantly. I understand why the flu vaccine is a bit hit and miss. I do understand that these types of virus cannot simply be wiped out with a vaccine precisely because they are RNA viruses with no natural brake on their ability to mutate. None of this is difficult – it’s A level biology stuff. Yet now these so-called experts are telling us that they didn’t see it coming? Because I did. It was blindingly obvious. So blindingly obvious even a cretin like Neil Ferguson could figure it out if he got his head out of his arse. Yet here we are, having been repeatedly lied to, having been recipients of one false promise after another and nature has done precisely what nature does, just as I and others expected it to. Not, apparently, the so-called experts, though.

Some experts initially thought that once enough people were vaccinated, the virus would be unable to spread.

Had it been a stable pathogen, then yes, I would expect that. However, this is not a stable pathogen. It constantly mutates and every so often a viable variant emerges and the vaccine will need to be adapted, just like the flu one. And just like the flu one, there will be an element of chance involved in determining which will be the dominant variant in any given year.

But while the jabs are highly effective at preventing hospitalisations and deaths, they are less effective at stopping transmission, leading officials to warn that the world must learn to live with the virus.

I and other sceptics have been saying this for nearly two years. Signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration were saying it, but they got ignored, silenced, censored and insulted by our erstwhile vacuous cretin of a health secretary. But they were right. Anyone with an A level in biology would realise that they were right.

Data from Public Health England yesterday revealed unvaccinated people were five times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid and 10 times more likely to die from the virus.

Being as usual, economic with the truth, PHE decline to put that into context. The survival rate for this disease is around 99.9% Even at the height of the pandemic, such that it was, the majority suffered flu like symptoms and did not need hospitalisation. The wards full of dead and dying patients were a tiny minority of the whole. Yes, it’s a risk. Life is a risk. But the risk of serious illness or death is small – especially if you are not in the high risk category. But five times more likely and ten times more likely sounds good and scary. And that’s what these charlatans have been doing – gaslighting us with inflated scare stories to terrify us into compliance and it’s been pretty effective, frankly.


  1. I have to keep reminding myself that the mask wearers I still see aren’t stupid: they’re uninformed, indoctrinated or watch TV.

    • Failing to realise that you are all these things (uninformed or watching TV) does tend to mark one as not very intelligent.

      I think that indoctrinated marks you as plain stupid, which does not bother me, but recent history has clearly shown that you are also dangerous.

      • I have a friend that I’ve know for forty years. She isn’t stupid, yet has fallen for this guff hook line and sinker. She trotted out the smallpox/polio argument. When I pointed out that these are not RNA viruses, she trotted out the “looking after others” argument. When I pointed out that if she is vaccinated, my not being so is no great risk to her, only to myself, she gave me the “agree to disagree” block. It was all a bit tense as she really didn’t like being challenged and became borderline hostile. This seems to be a fairly standard response. If it tells me anything it is that propaganda is incredibly powerful.

        • Propaganda, and then you have cognitive dissonance that does the work for the propagandists. Cognitive dissonance is extremely powerful and nothing short of a brain reset gets rid of it.

  2. Obviously there are plenty of, probably suspect, stats and figures about how many cases and how many deaths there have been from Covid. I wonder what the actual numbers are for people who have been going about their lives in this horrifically dangerous environment for the past year and a half and had no ill effects whatsoever?

  3. Could somebody explain to me or point me to a link that explains how polio (say) and corona differ in terms of mutation speed, why is herd immunity possible in one case or not another?

    • From what I can tell, there are only three known polio strains. The oral vaccine consists of weakened samples of these three strains. The injected version uses dead viruses. The interesting thing is that the injected vaccine does not stop spread – it only protects the individual. The oral one does stop spread. However, the oral one can cause vaccine derived polio whereas the jab version doesn’t. As I understand it, the polio virus, although being an RNA virus is a simple one and does not mutate as readily. As for why, goes beyond my knowledge of biology.

  4. So a thought popped into my head today out of nowhere. I think it’s a load of crap but it won’t stop nagging me so thought I would canvass opinion. I generally don’t give time to conspiracy theories, based on the fact that if our government can’t manage to give away free money efficiently then what chance of some kind of global stitch up. Occam’s razor and all that. But that thought:

    What if this is the test?

    Let’s assume for a moment there is some kind of global Bond type villain pulling the strings of our national leaders strings (I think it’s Carrie pulling something else but stay with me). And let’s say the objective was either population reduction or total population control. Either way, you are going to need a bunch of people with their heads screwed on to run the thing. So how do you find them?

    What better way to segregate the leaders from the led, the thinkers than the thought for than to get them to self identify?

    Maybe for those of us who manage to hold out long enough the reward is a pat on the back and a handsome salary for helping to manage the sheeple.

    As I said above, this is just bullshit ramblings of someone who’s probably had too many G&Ts. But maybe?

      • Which is what I’ve assumed all along – that they are out to get the non-believers. But what if someone with serious power and influence has decided they can’t take the stupid anymore and want to figure out who the 20% of people still with a functioning brain are?

  5. BiK, my thoughts have sometimes turned to it’s a sort of test / population control thing too. 7 billion people are too many for mother Earth, so let’s get rid of a few.

    The original UK TV show (haven’t sen the US remake) ‘Utopia’ (a very, vary dark sci-fi series from 2014 – highly recommended. Don’t worry, it’s set in the here and now with no aliens or space battles) was prescient.

    Maybe the elite have got the thicko’s to self- terminate their line…..Be interesting to see the number of children being born next year amongst the vaxxed.

  6. “”. It was all a bit tense as she really didn’t like being challenged and became borderline hostile””

    I have noticed the same. Intelligent friends who will normally debate most things but almost impossible to have a logical covid discussion as following covid policy seems to have hooked onto the good/evil part of their brain.

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