A Strategy

Following on from the previous couple of posts, a thought occurred to me. Some of the most appalling, obnoxious, arrogant, ignorant, stupid, vacuous, vapid, moronic, nasty, amoral people have lined up to insult me because I have not had the jibby jabby. These are people so utterly awful, I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on them if they were on fire. And this is supposed to be a winning strategy to get me to take it?



  1. But, but, but Tony Blair said you should.

    So “a woman’s body is her choice”, unless apparently it comes to four monthly vaccine jabs.

    Why are leftists so in favour of drug corps making billions?

    I haven’t smoked dope for years but I think I may need to start to make sense of any of this.

  2. It’s shaming tactics, forcing people who are susceptible to social pressure to comply. The idea (I think) is that if celebrities say this, then people who are reluctant will think that what the celebrities are saying is what everyone else thinks. This would make you feel isolated and outcast. That, in ye olde times, had serious consequences (death) and so people want to be in the in group. So they dutifully roll up their sleeves and get the clot shot.

    Of course, it doesn’t work that well when the comments below said propoganda articles are mostly people telling the author to f’ing do one and there’s no way they’ll get the clot shot. That shows you you aren’t alone and there’s a sizeable group who don’t want it. That’s why comments on such articles are disabled or suspiciously disappear.

  3. I’m not sure they’re actually talking to you…

    I think they are talking to the brainwashed Sheeple that infest every FaceBook page, forum and Twatter site on the Interwebz. They know that the Sheeple will relentlessly repeat the message ad nauseam from now on… Until the next message.

  4. On the wisdom of celebs, the Daily Mash did a piece about a young woman who was basing her Brexit decision on which celebrities were in favour and which ones were against. I think that it might have been discussed here at the time.

  5. Well, exactly. It’s not “internet conspiracy theorists” who’ve brought me to this decision; it’s the actions of those in power themselves. The alarm bells started ringing for me almost exactly a year ago, when the introduction of the jabs was greeted by the MSM (specifically, Good Morning Britain) as if it were the Normandy and Moon landings rolled into one. I couldn’t put my finger on it at that point, but something immediately said to me, “Woah. This ain’t right”. Even at that point I was still prepared to get jabbed, but the whole performance stunk to high heaven.

    The Instapundit crew were fond of noting around that time that nothing says “free and fair election” like the National Guard on the streets of DC. Similarly, nothing says “safe and effective vaccine” like a giant propaganda campaign, the hysterical shaming of those who haven’t taken them, and compulsion.

    • My reaction was similar. I wasn’t too fussed as I’m not in a high risk group. But as soon as the pressure started, I dug my heels in and ‘maybe’ became a firm ‘no’. The more they do it, the more I’ll resist. And, I’ll be damned if I get one very three months. Fuck off already.

      • I think it was you that said, right at the beginning, that it would mutate into a milder and faster spreading variant.

        Why all the boffins (and trillions of Pounds) have taken two years to come to the same conclusion is completely beyond me…

        • Yes, I did. I studied biology at A level. This is really basic stuff. I have also studied history, which supported that hypothesis. Again, really basic stuff.

          The only thing that has surprised me is the pace at which it’s done it.

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