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Those who went ahead and got the original jabs are no longer ‘fully vaccinated.’

People who fail to get a booster jab could face new travel restrictions from next month under plans to increase uptake.

Boris Johnson yesterday ruled out following Italy, Austria and other European countries in making vaccinations compulsory.

But officials are drawing up plans to strip double-jabbed people of their ‘fully vaccinated’ status without the booster shot, leaving them facing tough quarantine and testing rules for foreign travel.

Well, we never saw that one coming, did we? As we see a fourth jab looming on the horizon, expect people who are triple jabbed but decline the fourth to fall into the same category. I do wonder just how long this will keep up. As each jab is rolled out, more people will decide to get off the merry go round. It has to stop at some point and the only thing that will stop it is people saying that enough is enough, because the government and the media won’t stop.

He said the ‘overwhelming majority’ of people now in intensive care with Covid had not had their booster jab, with many not vaccinated at all.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, this relates to a very small number of people. Percentages without context are meaningless. He is lying by omission here.


  1. I feel strangely redeemed.

    Bellend Boris basically has two choices. Either be British and pragmatic and quietly stop trying to enforce anything. Or he can go EU and bring in the riot police, the sheet sniffing block wardens and “papieren bitte”.

    They are obviously looking to toytown austria hungary to see how the great traditions of europe fare when tried for the nth time (oooh, let me guess).

    Looking around the world – most depressingly at Australia – at what has been going on, I wonder what has been stopping them.

  2. To me it made sense to take the first vaccination once I was sure it was safe. After that that I just imagined they would move to yearly doses for older folk, like the flu vaccine. I also imagined travel restrictions would be over by now
    After all my years of fisking these idiots and what they get up to, they still have the ability to surprise me
    So now I’m unvaccinated and that’s how I’m going to stay. Fool me once…

    • Seen elsewhere, not these exact words but close enough:

      We complied because we want it to be over. It will never be over as long as we continue to comply.

  3. My partner is an adamant pro-jab, pro-boost, pro-lateral Flow test, you must do it for the greater good. She works for the NGS in mental health and is overwhelmed by children and adolescents suffering anxiety.

    She fails to see any link between these things, blaming social media……

    The conversations around this topic are, how shall we say, a little awkward?

  4. “Overwhelmed by children and adolescents suffering anxiety”

    Which is one stage of what Prof Mattias Desmet describes as “Mass Formation Psychosis” He’s been getting a lot of publicity, since Robert Malone mentioned his work on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

  5. In 2003 Blair told us that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction pointed and ready to strike (within 48 Hours) at the UK. Nearly 20 years later the allied forces are still looking for them. (Project FEAR Mk1). In 2016 Cameron and his crony Osborne told us that if we voted to leave the EU then House Prices would crash, Unemployment would soar as would food prices and most other things. (Project FEAR Mk 2). In 2020 we were told there is a Covid Pandemic and people will die in their millions. (Project FEAR MK 3). I leave you to decide if any of this was true, but its why I dont believe ANYTHING the government says and one of the main reasons why I refuse to get the jab. I might die of ‘flu – fine ! but I wont die of COVID or any other lie the Government tries to convince me of !

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