Here Come the Shroud Wavers

Hot on the heels that restrictions are to be lifted, we get the parade of ‘experts’ who want them to continue.

Scientists have revealed whether they agree with Boris Johnson that England really is ready to lift Covid isolation rules.

The Prime Minister said on Tuesday that he wants to drop the legal requirement to isolate by the end of February “provided the current encouraging trends in the data continue.”

Experts have voiced concerns that the removal of the remaining restrictions, which also include the ability for councils to close sites where the virus could be spreading, has caused unease for some of those most at risk.

We’ve had two years of ‘experts’ causing untold misery to both the individual and the economy. We’ve had two years of ‘experts’ sitting back getting paid while ordinary people lost their livelihoods, their businesses and in some cases their lives because of those ‘experts’ and their insane ideas. So, frankly, the ‘experts’ can do one.

Phillip Anderson, head of policy at the MS Society, said ending the restrictions will “heap yet more worry and confusion on thousands of immunocompromised people”.

He added: “In the face of callous silence from a government that should be focused on protecting them, they could feel forced to further isolate themselves from others, putting their wider health, wellbeing and livelihoods in danger.”

Bollocks. For the past two years we have endured nonsensical unscientific restrictions that served no purpose other than to exercise control. None of this made any difference whatsoever to immunocompromised people and the idea that we should continue with this game to make those people feel safe is idiotic in the extreme. No. We. Should. Not. You do not trash society in order to make someone feel safe. You tell them that their safety is their responsibility and it is up to them to do whatever they feel fit to achieve that. It is not our responsibility to pander to their beliefs by engaging in a pointless and useless charade.

James Taylor from disability equality charity Scope, said: “Scrapping self-isolation will mean that some disabled people will be feeling very anxious and could potentially be placed in situations that could prove deadly.

More bollocks. Blatant shroud waving. If people feel anxious, that is up to them. It is not up to the rest of society to sacrifice itself on the pyre of their feelings. How about Mr Taylor, instead of shroud waving, tells these folk the truth?

“Nobody should be forced to gamble with their lives, and we need the government to explain to disabled people how they’ll be safe when this decision is introduced.”

No one is gambling with anyone’s lives. It is not up to the government to explain to people how they’ll be safe now any more than it was two years ago.

Virologist Dr Stephen Griffin, of the University of Leeds, said the plan is “crazy” which “goes against all the fundamental principles of public health.”

He told Sky News: “It seems that the government has completely abandoned any concern about people becoming infected.”

Given that people get infected with all sorts of illnesses every day, perhaps this cretin would like us all to live in sealed boxes forever, then? It’s a bad dose of the flu, for crying out loud, not Ebola nor the black death. As for public health advice – if anyone takes any notice of that after what we’ve just experienced, they are either a fool or a charlatan.

So those who benefited from this evil lockdown now complain as it ends. Well, I never saw that coming.



  1. Is that the same Dr Stephen Griffin connected with The Wellcome Trust and Independent Sage? That may inform his attitude.

  2. None of this isolating and lockdown business works, didn’t these fools get the effing memo?

    I’m immunocompromised apparently, not that I’ve noticed. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you, and if I wanted to wear a mask and hide under my bed I would.

  3. These so called experts can get stuffed. I’ve wasted 2 years not being able to live a normal life. All these hyperchrondriac tossers can stay in and hide under their beds. It’s party time for me !!!

  4. “It’s a bad dose of the flu, for crying out loud, not Ebola nor the black death”. Exactly. That’s been my attitude for the past 2 years too. Right from the start the World Health Organisation said “Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment” .
    But you try pointing that out to people and see where it gets you. People still seem to think that if they catch it they’re going to die.

    • They also assume that not being vaccinated is a death sentence. This despite the worst of it occurring before the vaccines were developed and the fatality rate was around 1%. Despite not being vaccinated, I have not fallen ill (ergo, I have not been a drain on the NHS PBUH). Indeed, I know a few who have, despite having had the jibby jabby.

    • And the horse wormer meme still persists, despite ivermectin being licenced for human use and despite it being used in a number of countries for early treatment.

        • You’re correct. French doctors, hospitals were using HCQ, and speaking about their success. French Gov’t then banned it’s use

          • The French government based its ban on the lancet fake study back in May 2020, which they retracted a few weeks later. The ban is still active.

            Am in France now where masks are still mandatory indoors, with no shortage of little kapos around, and where you need to show your vaccine pass to eat in a restaurant. Embarrassing.

  5. “Virologist Dr Stephen Griffin, of the University of Leeds, said the plan is “crazy” which “goes against all the fundamental principles of public health.”

    Whut? Everything over last two years has gone against all the fundamental principles of public health and Gov’ts long standing Pandemic Plans. This includes the ongoing mass ‘vaccination’ during a pandemic, more so when we knew it was a leaky ‘vaccine’ before roll-out started

    Good Read:
    It Was All There in the EUA. Why Couldn´t They See it?
    — Because people refused To See The Truth, preferring Gov’t & msm fairy tales – Again
    — I did read them, in December 2020, and chose Not to be ‘vaccinated’ with useless dangerous drug

    • It amazes me that even now they are peddling the ‘following the science’ line. They never did anything remotely scientific. Science is about following where the evidence leads and the evidence never led this way – and that much was obvious before it all started. Yet still, still, these charlatans and the cretins they conned are banging on about it as if normal living is, in some way, reckless.

  6. I have just read what I have to do to self isolate in my New Zealand home if my wife or I catch it or are in “close contact” Spend 24 days in the house unable to go outside for any reason,or have contact with anyone other than a carer or medical practitioner in the house.In addition I must keep a 2metre space between us and cannot share the same bed or common spaces like the living room, bathroom or kitchen.
    Sheer unadulterated stupidity.

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