
Is this one of those things we file under ‘didn’t really happen.’

A Catholic firearms officer has won a religious harassment case after ‘f*** the Pope’ was written on his work coffee mug.


I mean, it’s not very nice, but pranking is something that happens in the workplace. Especially in high stress workplaces. You might argue that it shouldn’t, but you might as well argue against human nature. Waste of time.

He discovered the words referencing the leader of the Catholic Church graffitied on the underside of his Celtic Football Club mug and was so upset the officer – part of a unit dedicated to protecting nuclear sites – had to go home from work.

This is what really struck home when I read the story. This man is supposed to be a firearms officer, so highly trained, but importantly, supposed to be in total control of himself and his emotions in a high stress environment and he has to go home because someone wrote something on his mug? Seriously?

While it would appear that there had been a series of similar incidents and these hadn’t been adequately managed, did this really need to end up in court – with the usual compo, of course?

Perhaps he should find a new career that is less stressful. It’s probably better that he isn’t protecting nuclear sites, after all.


  1. Goes home upset cos someone graffitied his mug?

    What’s he going to be like if it does kick off?
    “‘ere Paul, there’s ten armed bastards trying to storm the nuclear plant. Come and ‘elp us shoot the fuckers!”

    “Sorry mate, this is a bit upsetting. I need to go home and have a cry.”

    Guess we know who not to call when there’s armed bastards trying to kill us…
    That guy.

  2. Wimp should hae been sacked for lacking stregth of character to do his job. I bet he knew he wasn’t up to job and this was a lucrative exit path – did he write it himself?

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