1. Who knows? If the weather continues to improve we might be able to re-establish the vineyards along Hadrian’s Wall and make wine just like the Romans did?

    It’s almost like climate ebbs-and-flows in some kind of long-period cycle or something…


  2. It surprises me that the climate alarmists have been able to keep their nonsense going for so long. Not a single one of their doom laden prognostications has come to pass in three decades and yet the vast majority of people have failed to notice that they are full of shit.

  3. The “vast majority of people” don’t follow blogs, which are the only source of alternative views and information. The mainstream media (which the majority read, listen to or watch) parrot the “Official” guidelines, and wouldn’t give the likes of Prof Lindzen any publicity.

  4. Crack open the champagne

    Three Disinformation Strikes For Rowlatt, the BBC’s Climate ActivistTerrorist-in-Residence

    The BBC’s green activist-in-residence Justin Rowlatt has had two complaints upheld against him, following the broadcast last November of his absurd “Wild Weather” Panorama programme. The latest upheld complaints followed a similar rebuke last year, after Rowlatt described offshore wind as “virtually subsidy-free”.

    The Panorama programme was an hour long, emotion-charged rant that tried to…


    Fun over at TW’s place

    1 https://www.timworstall.com/2022/05/a-remarkably-un-self-aware-umm-lady-is-our-nicola/

    2 https://www.timworstall.com/2022/05/is-she-this-bad/

    See also the pieces about Spring being 3 weeks earlier in the recent press.
    See also “Citizen Science” with thousands of observers.
    I agree that XR are nutters, but that’s not the point
    GW is real &U dangerous

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