
More projection here than an iMax.

Transgender cyclist Emily Bridges today insisted she would have no advantage over her rivals if she was permitted to compete in women’s races – and claimed trans women are now the ‘punching bag’ at the centre of the West’s culture war.

The punchbags here are real women. Those who have been erased from the language by the offenderati – the chest feeders, the people with cervixes, the birthing parents and so on. People that politicians seem to have difficulty defining. Women. Proper women. Not the ones with beards and penises. Real women. Adult human females with XX chromosomes – that half of humanity these vile activists seem intent on wiping away. Emily Bridges is a man and he always will be. Therefore, if he wants to ride competitively, he can compete as a man against other men – or other transwomen – and stop trying to cheat women out of their own sport. See also that cheating charlatan Lia Thomas.


  1. @LR well said

    I’m absolutely disgusted at most politicians, entire public sector, msm and big corp pandering to shrill marxist activitists who purport to represnt ~0.5% of population and oppress and cancel 50% of population. Plus the obscene paedo sexualisation of infants & children

    Worse, this is all happening under a supposedly Conservative Gov’t. Conservative Gov’t? It’s continuity Blair & Brown socialism as others see too

    Sunak the most successful socialist Chancellor this century

    • Just seen a tweet of Joan Collins being interviewed and refusing to answer questions about gender out of fear of cancellation by the transgender lobby. Utterly sickening.

  2. One of the things women could do to help themselves is to be mysteriously unavailable to compete if up against the transpeople. You know, womens problems. If the organisers start to find they have no athletes to control,it might eventually dawn that they need to sort the problem.

    • Good idea

      Problem is many young women are fully behind the TS ideology as we saw with the 18 yo hounded out of school by pupils with the backing of teachers. They’ll quickly fill the gap, then wise up. Next batch replace…

      Everything today is driven by emotion; not facts, logic and reality. It’s metaverse in real world

  3. “I’m absolutely disgusted at most politicians, entire public sector, msm and big corp…”

    Yes this! The entire establishment united in lockstep against us, united in their support of every insane fad. Whatever happened to rebellious youth? It seems that it is the younger folk who just go along with the status quo and now it’s left to us oldies to be the voices of dissent.

    • Whatever happened to rebellious youth? It seems that it is the younger folk who just go along with the status quo and now it’s left to us oldies to be the voices of dissent.

      The internet and smartphones.

      It used to be that you could be a rebellious youth, say daft things, enjoy some illicit substances, have some weird and wonderful politics, make a few mistakes and then grow up a bit, go out into the wider world and be productive, useful and a decent person.
      Now it’s all recorded and online so a quick search will bring it all back and you can’t escape it. So better to not be too crazy and rebellious because you’ll ruin your life.

  4. I’ve just been to a coffee shop in London. In front of me was a 6’3″ individual with a beard, wearing a pink floral knee length skirt and matching handbag. I watched the barista realise this, then the look of terror flicker over their face when they realised the potential shitstorm that might arise from saying “good afternoon sir can I help you?”. So they said “yes, please?”

    To me they said “what would you like, sir?”

    Now all I could think was “*@#£ me! You look really stupid are you doing that for a bet?”. But just like the barista I thought about the shitstorm potential and kept my mouth shut. I can’t afford to have a hate crime accusation against me.

    • There was a time when trans people actually tried to pass and fit in as the opposite sex. Now it seems any tosser is trans if they say so. So beardy weirdy in a dress is all okay and don’t you dare criticize, bigot.

      • If they don’t have a beard, then I believe the expression is “A cock in a frock”. Ahem! >};o)

  5. Saying “I identify as” is the same as saying “I pretend to be”. Change my mind.

    • Oh I agree entirely. I identify as the Ninth Earl of Gatwick and my pronouns are “Your Grace”

      • I identify as a billionaire, but the bigots at the bank won’t give me my cash.

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