1. Quiet Running

    …for a moment I thought you’d bought a green crap MC

    Have fun in IoM and hope it stays dry. Don’t twist right wrist too much

    Jubilee photos too please

    • Have you ever ridden one? We have electric scooters at one of the schools I train for. Horrible things. When you apply the brakes, it cuts power to the throttle so you can’t feather the rear brake at low speed.

      There doesn’t seem to be any jubilee stuff going on here, so nothing to photograph.

    • No Jubilee – I’m surprised, disappointed and somewhat shocked. Is China “buying” IoM?

  2. Enjoy LR – I hope you find the companionship and escapism we all need from time to time. Thanks for all your writings both here and with your larger works; you are appreciated.

  3. I have just recently tested positive for Covid. Had a bit of a restless night, had a tickle at the back of my throat. Next morning woke up with a mild headache, body feeling slightly cold and achy, tickly throat. Took a test which came up positive. Took paracetamol every four hours so felt ok really. Slept well the following night but woke up with a headache so took some paracetamol with breakfast. By early afternoon I appear to be pretty much recovered. Has anyone else had the killer bug recently? I’m curious to know if my experience is now typical. Our host has previously written about the way in which an RNA virus typically evolves to become gradually less harmful. My case would appear to bear this out but I’m a sample of only one so I’d be interested to know if anyone else has had it and how bad it was.

    • @Stonyground

      Yes, infected with Omicron in hospital {out-patient) in Feb. A mild headache for 2 or 3 days otherwise fine, then a 1 day mild-med cold

      So debilitating /sarc that I continued as normal, didn’t take any meds and, OMG, went to bed..

      …1 hour earlier than normal on ‘the cold’ day

      Next day fine again. Absolute nothingburger as I’ve said since Feb 2020

      Unjabbed, in 50s

      • The main problem for me is the ague. It’s mild, but I don’t feel like getting on the bike. Otherwise, I’m fine. I wouldn’t even call it a headache. A bit of a dull head is all.

        Early sixties, unjabbed.

      • I think I noticed mild headache as I often devolop one if dehydrated, but only left frontal lobe. This was L&R and water didn’t help.

        No ague, although I do have frequently when sleeping – wake up drenched in sweat

        No dry cough or sore throat, maybe because I’ve always produced too much mucus, saliva, ear wax, sweat…

        Try a multivit & min and Vit D double dose

        You’ll be fine, keep enjoying yourself

        • It’s worse than a cold but not as bad as flu. The symptoms rattled through me very quickly. Now I’m left with a sore throat and feeling very tired. So just rest up for a day or two.

      • It’s worse than a cold but not as bad as flu

        Really sorry to hear that. I had alpha in 2021 and it was a cold too with slightly sore throat, no change in daily activity and only lasted 3-4 days

        With omicron 3 days mild headache plus final 1 day cold

        Fight it, you can win. Tell yourself “I’m going to sweat it out tonight”

        You’re in IoM to enjoy yourself, do it

        God bless, P

    • I’ve just got it. Must have picked it up on the ferry. Bit of a headache, dry cough, mild ague. To quote Pcar, nothingburger.

  4. TT week. Stay dry. Enjoy the rides.

    I haven’t been for decades, but the memories of St Johns, the Mountain and Creg-ny-baa are as still as fresh and vital as they were on the day. Do they still do Hailwood day?

  5. Update on my brush with the Chinese Plague. Was slightly Ill for a little over a day as described previously. For the next three days or so, felt fine but rather tired so just took it easy for a while. Now seem to be fully recovered and planning on cleaning the car.

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