Following on…

Something said in the comments here then pops up in the news.

He said: “Pale pink here represents femininity and trying to alleviate myself of the pressure to perform masculinity ‘correctly’.”

Oh, I think he does that perfectly well. However, as mentioned in the comments here, most people really don’t give a flying one about his ‘struggle.’ Really, they don’t. Indeed, if it wasn’t for his narcissistic posturing, we wouldn’t even know about it, much less put him under any pressure. Indeed, how can you put someone under pressure when you’ve never heard of them?

The exploration of pale pink hints toward Freddie’s relationship with his gender.

“The song, ‘Bell Jar’, being released on the day [of the event], is about letting go of structures, and making decisions lead by desire rather than conditioned ones.

“For me this includes gender structure,” said Mr Lewis.

Oh, get over yourself. No one cares.


  1. I hope that he finds the companionship of hundreds of even thousands of things just like himself.
    Sorry if I offended some “things” just there.

  2. ‘Freddie’ is a female. A confused attention-seeking female who has evidently been munching some testosterone tablets and managed to cultivate a bit of bum fluff on her upper lip.

      • Oh, “he” is definitely a woman who thinks “he” is a man. Under that item there is a link to another item about the same person saying that “trans men” should be “proud” of their periods. I’m sorry, but if you have ovaries and a womb, and you have periods then you are not a man. Men do not produce eggs. They produce sperm. And the reverse is true for women. It’s simple human biology. Anyone who makes claims to the contrary is a denier of reality.

  3. CPS sticks finger to public

    “CPS hires transgender activist who used derogatory term about women”
    Sophie Cook [Trans] has been appointed the CPS’s “speak-out champion”. ‘She’ will work four days per week and mostly from home, according to the job advert, reports the Mail

    Sarah Phillimore is not impressed
    This position is well remunerated with public money: £31,304 for Four Days Work A Month (~£8,000 per Day)

    Sophie Cook: Far Left Labour activist

    And Finally…
    Good News
    Princy Harry, Meghan Markle booed after Jubilee church service

  4. Sorry, brain fart maths

    £31,304 for Four Days Work A Month

    £652 per day to spout damaging divisive BS and we pay

    Pension? Less than £652 per Month

    Cooke’s a hard left socialist, should’t ‘she’ be doing it for free?

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