Fuck Everyone

I’m sure we have all wanted to do something similar to this.

A sacked B&Q worker has been banned from every one of its stores after a foul-mouth tirade on a Tannoy system.

Adam Powis brazenly filmed himself branding his colleagues ‘c****’ and saying ‘f*** everyone’ in an explosive final customer announcement.

A viral video shot by the 18-year-old, from Weston-Super-Mare, shows him calmly declaring: “This is a customer announcement.

“I just got sacked and B&Q are c**ts. F**k everyone. Have a nice day.”

There was a time when it would have ended there, but not these days. The silly sod put this online, his name is now searchable. In future years when he seeks full time employment this little episode with rise up and haunt him, because a search on his name will throw it up.

The Internet is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it makes communication and research so much easier. On the other, we get examples like this. Powis will never be able to shake off what for most would have been a moment of youthful madness. We’ve all done stupid things in our past. This generation, though, will never be able to escape them.


  1. My experience of other peoples leaving or retirement speeches is that a tirade against colleagues and/or bosses rarely achieves anything except ingraining feelings of victimhood in the leaver. But they were probably miserable sods to start with.

  2. There have even been cases of idiots committing crimes and posting videos on social media. They seem to be genuinely surprised when the police turn up really pronto and arrest them.

    I was pretty pissed off when I left work for the last time. It was early in the Covid panic and my daughter returned home from London with suspicious symptoms so I got what would have been my last nine days off to isolate. I still didn’t say anything nasty about anybody.

    • I can match that with a similar story.

      A good 30 years ago, when this incident occurred, a friend of mine drank in a pub that was close to an industrial estate which had a Radio Rentals depot located there.

      This evening, a “yoof”, panting and covered in sweat ran into the pub carrying a brand new video recorder in an unopened box and asked around if anyone wanted to buy it for about 1/10 of the retail cost. My friend “declined” but another guy snapped up the bargain.

      Fast forward a week and the guy that bought the video recorder came into the pub cursing to high heaven. Apparently the cops visited him, informed him that the video recorder was stolen and took it away. The numpty had only filled in the warranty card and sent it back to the manufacturer …

      The cops did not need to call in Sherlock Holmes to track the item down and it didn’t take much imagination to figure out where it was stolen from.

      You didn’t need social media to be stupid back then. The youth of today don’t realise just how easy they have it to commit stupidity without the hassle and cost of postage,eh?

        • You didn’t think that it was a bit sexist then? Although I don’t think that there is any evidence that women are worse drivers than men, I do think that generally speaking men do take to operating machinery more naturally. I’m wondering how the proportions of male and female GNIs breaks down?

          “You wanna start the car? Mrs. Webb you’ve just turned on the lights, you wanna start the car?”

          • I think that women are more careful so that they cause backups etc. I would guess they have less accidents though causing more by being so cautious.

            However that appears to be changing. Seen a lot of men with man buns and some strange sort of beard now driving like old wimmin.

            Not sure what to think now. Could they be f->m trannies? We need £5M of funding to do some research on this.

    • Nice to be reminded of Bob.
      I only know of him because he used to be staple on the inflight comedy channels on AirNZ and Qantas in the 80’s, 90’s and probably early 2000’s

  3. It really says a lot about the calibre of employee schools are turning out these days.
    My wife works for M&S and it’s very common for new young staff to literally last a just a week.

  4. If ever I get the chance, when talking to a teenager, I warn them about what they post on social media.
    I behaved in a pretty normal way when in my late teens and early twenties, inckuding more than a few episodes of being drunk in public and doing things that I would hate to see preserved in photographs and saying things that I’m glad were never recorded.
    But I certainly was not a ‘bad lad’ .
    So, if there are any youngsters reading this blog: don’t take photos or allow your friends to take photos when drink has been taken .

  5. “Hello this is a B&Q Customer announcement.

    Despite what you may have just heard B&Q can assure you that Adam Powis is a shit employee and an all around cunt which is why we fucking sacked him…”

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