Yesterday’s Transaction

With the possible exception of London, I live in the wokest city in the land. I do, however, manage to avoid it most of the time. However, I’m in a public facing role, so sooner or later it imposes itself on me as it did yesterday.

The booking was for a woman. But that wasn’t what turned up. Sure, that’s what it said on the documentation, but my lying eyes saw a bloke. I am often pointing out that homo sapiens is a sexually dimorphic species. We are very good at telling someone’s sex even at a distance. There are so many secondary characteristics, that it is almost impossible for a trans person to pass. Forget, for a moment, the primary characteristics and look at what is walking towards you. Broad shoulders, narrow hips, likely to be  a man – see also long arms. Strong jawline, likely to be a man. Men and women hold themselves differently and walk differently. Then of course there was the ‘long’ hair. Except that it was a comb over that would make Arthur Scargill blush. No amount of hormone replacement therapy will correct male pattern baldness. If I’d missed all of this, there was the voice. As soon as a trans person opens their mouth, the game is up. It is very rare for them to have vocal surgery.

I was training a new colleague and we had two clients. So all three of us were polite, yet all three of us knew that we were participating in a lie, that we had to agree that the sky was green and the grass was blue, up was down and black was white.

We were reminded that the pronouns were she/her. When this happens, it tells me that the person concerned knows damned well that we can see through the sham, so we need to be reminded to play the game. Which, given that we are professionals in a professional environment, we were polite. My get around is not to use pronouns at all. I just refer to the person by name. Because, in my own little way, I am rebelling. I am not going to refer to an obvious man as ‘she’ and for the whole day I managed not to. So a secret little win in the game.

No  one said anything out of earshot, yet subliminally, it was obvious we were all pretending. I’m pretty good at reading a room and could detect that the others were as uncomfortable with it as I was.

That is why it pisses people off. The lie. The lie that we all have to go along with and pretend to believe. That is where we are now. Neo Sovietism where the citizenry were expected to go along with the lies and parrot them as if they were true. Yesterday was pretty uncomfortable for me, frankly, because I hate lies. But I behaved like a model Soviet citizen. Mostly.


  1. My suspicion is that The Powers That Be prefer the ordinary people to be comfortable with absurdities – because it protects their own privileges. The Trans stuff is just the latest feedstock for cementing the position of the elite. Trans people are going to be aggrieved when a new propaganda tool is taken up.

    Wonder why Coronavirus was pushed so hard? I suspect that part of the answer is that the elite realised that a truly deadly pandemic would damage their privilege as workers once more grabbed the possibilities of a world where labour was in short supply (see what happened after the Black Death).

    Wonder why Trump was so reviled by the elite? He popularised the idea of ‘fake news’ and ‘draining the swamp’ which threatened the grip of The Powers That Be.

  2. “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

    – Solzhenitsyn

  3. I would politely remind her to make sure she is wearing proper boots, especially during the current weather conditions, as a foot slip whilst sitting on the bike stationary, could result in a testicular injury.

  4. ’That is why it pisses people off. The lie. The lie that we all have to go along with and pretend to believe.’

    This! So much this.

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