While on the Subject…

They walk among us, the uneducated and the terminally stupid. This one, seen elsewhere might amuse you. I am assuming that Poe’s law doesn’t apply in this case and I’m assured that it is not, apparently this Jeff bloke runs a holistic animal care page. That said, if it is a spoof, then well done.

Words fail me, they really do. Yes, these people are out there…


  1. Well, if a woman can have a penis then by jove of course this poor dog should have his nuts again!

  2. I gotta say, if they *could* do that, it would be amazing.

    It would be brilliant.

    It would be fantastic.

    It would be the bee’s knees.

    In fact, it would be the dog’s bollocks.

  3. maybe they were kept for him in a little box, you know, like the Chinese eunuchs.:))

  4. The comment (from Timbotoo on a recent post here) describing the epic canine flatulence caused by veggie sausages makes one wonder about the the after-effects of a swede ‘cleanse’ followed by a diet of vegetable stew; I hope that poor Opi was kept well away from any naked flames…

  5. I’m sure you can get plastic stick on balls.
    Heard from the doctors Friday, apparently I’ve got early summit, dimenational. Oh well never mind, I’m sure you can get stick on plastic balls

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