There Are No Words

Following yesterday’s post on this subject, proceed with caution. This man is apparently living with another man, but also wants a woman. I am presuming that is a woman without a penis, but you never know. How did we manage before the Internet?

Oh, and don’t blame me if you now feel queasy.

BTW – ENM means shagging around.


  1. There is a phrase – “What would Jesus do?” I regret to entertain the idea – “What would Hitler do?”

  2. Is there a glossary for such terminology. I am all at sea.
    I know what “puppies” used to be slang for. But now?
    Looking at her it is hard not to invoke Godwin’s law.
    Just cultivate and trim that ‘tache.

  3. I can’t even get my head around the first sentence.
    A non-binary transwoman?
    Isn’t non-binary supposed to be someone who doesn’t identify as either man or a woman? But then tells us he’s a transwoman. So a man identifying as a woman.

    If I gave even the slightest fuck about these idiots, my head would hurt from the stupid.

    Demi -sexual?
    Half sexual? Or Demi Lovato?

  4. Can’t even spell right…nuerodivergent?

    There was a time (blessed) when such people would inhabit the recesses and not be seen.

  5. I just don’t believe that all the buzzwords can compensate for the photo.
    I don’t think I want to know what ‘puppies’ means.

  6. In the timeless words of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman… “Holy Jesus. What is that. What the fuck is that?”

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