If They Didn’t Have Double Standards

They would have none at all. Just remember this when someone tells you that you are a transphobe because you don’t want to date a chick with a dick.

For clarity here – a lesbian trans woman is a straight man in a dress. A straight trans woman is a gay man in a dress. If a lesbian or straight man declined to date these people because they are not the real thing, they will be accused of having a fake phobia.


  1. So, this is a man who wants to date women, except he tries to pass himself off as a woman but won’t date someone like himself… because he knows he’s really a man and not a lesbian woman at all. Have I got that right?
    Shirley some pisstake?

  2. I take it that this is a bloke who wants a woman. If so dress appropriately stop saying you are a lesbian and you might get a mate. The more I read the more confusing it all is. If a man fancies women, he’s normal, he doesn’t have to dress up as a woman and say he’s a lesbian. It’s just getting weirder.

  3. I’m going slightly potty, anticipating woke-Disney’s remake of Snow White and the 7 vertically challenged persons. I keep e-mailing them suggesting they make it, but I keep tying myself in knots trying to work out which category they should bill it as – Mystery/Drama/Comedy/Horror/Porn? Or all of the above?

    • I’m just waiting for the race swapped Tarzan remake.
      Let’s see if they’ve got the balls to have a black man raised by apes in the jungle swinging through trees…
      If actually go and see that one for the lolz

  4. Blimey just as well you clarified matters LR ! I was really confused as to what this freak was !!

  5. Do you think he might think he is more attractive as a woman than as a man with, therefore, more luck in finding a woman? Except the woman he wants would have to be lesbian (but wouldn’t she want a woman without the bits)?

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