It Was Never In Control

Time we left the UN, frankly.

The UN secretary general has said that “climate change is out of control”, as an unofficial analysis of data showed that average world temperatures in the seven days to Wednesday were the hottest week on record.

“If we persist in delaying key measures that are needed, I think we are moving into a catastrophic situation, as the last two records in temperature demonstrates,” António Guterres said, referring to the world temperature records broken on Monday and Tuesday.

Those of us who are sane will recognise this as ‘summer.’ The climate changes. It always changes. It takes a certain hubris to think that we can stop it changing. We do not have a climate crisis and it is not ours to control. Every prediction that these charlatans have made has been proven false and the planet has done what the planet will do regardless.

There were times when the planet was warmer than it is now and it didn’t boil away. Mankind survived the medieval warm period, just as we survived the mini ice age. Records are a relatively recent thing. The planet is much older than records and will be here long after records are meaningless dust.

In the meantime, it looks like we are having another decent summer, so pour a long, cool drink, sit in the garden and enjoy, it will be cold, wet and dark soon enough.


  1. As ever the UN pushing their agenda while solar maximum and minimum march on, oblivious to the existence of the overpaid, unelected fuckwits… I agree, enjoy summer and remember the factor 50

  2. For all the “Waaah – record temperatures – we’re all gonna fry” that’s going on, my garden seems to be very late this year. So on a timescale of months, it’s probably cooler than usual. Regarding a 30 year or so average (which is what real scientists use when talking about ‘climate’ as opposed to ‘weather’) … the hivemind is suspiciously quiet just now.

  3. I am fairly certain that I have begun to detect a touch of hysteria in all the climate change bollocks now.The doom and gloom and we only have days left before we all die rhetoric is ramping up.
    If only the peasants would listen to their Lords and Masters.The velvet glove will shortly be removed and the iron fist will be revealed.

    • “I am fairly certain that I have begun to detect a touch of hysteria in all the climate change bollocks now.”

      It started with hysteria. I don’t have a word to describe what it is now!

  4. Warmer weather is more benign. I have a book about the little ice age. The violent storms, the communities forced out of existence by advancing ice, the crop failures, a truly terrible time for Northern Europe. A bit of hot weather though, oh no, we’re all doomed.

  5. Guterres regularly spouts nonsense. In a sane world he would be an embarrassment. Unfortunately. . . .

  6. “The UN secretary general has said that “climate change is out of control”…”

    Because unelected bureaucrats use doom laden predictions about climate change, or pandemics, or plastic particulates, or poverty, or excesses caused by wealth as *reasons* to justify their continued existence.

    It won’t happen, but if all of the loonies that predicted the end of the world for *reasons* lost their positions when the prophecies failed to come true then at least the ‘activists for the sake of their careers’ would be thinned out.

  7. Doing a little digging into the medieval warm period and the little ice age, I see that the charlatans have revived the hockey stick graph, along with claims that it was always correct and the world is warmer than it has been for a thousand years.

  8. When did climate change (previously known as global warming) start? With the end of the ice age? with the industrial revolution? with the advent of the internal combustion engine? Who knows – the UN doesn’t, nor do Al Gore or the dubious John Gummer.
    Why doesn’t the UN tackle China and India for burning so much coal in power stations? Because it’s powerless against them.

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