More Alarmist Bollocks

It’s summer

It is hot. Very hot. And we are only a few weeks into summer.

Texas and part of the south-west of the US are enduring a searing heatwave. At one point, more than 120 million Americans were under some form of heat advisory, the US National Weather Service said. That is more than one in three of the total population.

In the UK, the June heat didn’t just break all-time records, it smashed them. It was 0.9C hotter than the previous record, set back in 1940. That is a huge margin.

1940 is barely a blink of an eye away. What about the middle ages? What about the mid Permian? This is the usual cherry picking that these charlatans are so well known for.


  1. So, Global Warming was much worse in 1940 then?
    So it’s improved since?

    The best response to fake religions is derision and laughter. And as mentioned by some other commenters, I think this one is looking very tired and in its closing shrieks.

  2. “It was 0.9C hotter than the previous record, set back in 1940. That is a huge margin.”

    less than a degree in 83 years is a huge margin? That is before we take into account that temperature monitoring stations that used to be in a grass field are now surrounded by buildings and concrete. Before we take into account that modern equipment can record brief spikes that wouldn’t have shown up on the older equipment at all.

    In East Yorkshire spring was pretty cold. we then got a couple of weeks of hot weather followed by another week or so when it was cold again. We’ve had another hot week in July but now it is cloudy and muggy, not cold but not exactly baking either.

  3. The alarmists are manipulating the data and the figures to push their agenda.

    Remember the hysteria over the 40°C record being broken last summer? Well, there are two things to bear in mind there. First, the temperature dropped by almost a degree within a minute or so of that 40°C temperature. Second, the monitoring equipment was located alongside the main runway at an RAF base. So there’s urban heat corruption to be taken into account when recording temperatures at an airbase.

    The climate alarmists are thoroughly dishonest with all their lies, propaganda and fiddling of the figures.

    • Sorry. I just noticed that Stony mentioned urban heat corruption in the post prior to mine about the RAF base.

      • And, read somewhere online recently, that highly likely that more than one RAF jet landed just about the time that ‘record’ temperature was noted.

  4. “The climate alarmists are thoroughly dishonest with all their lies, propaganda and fiddling of the figures.”

    My question is why is such dishonesty necessary? If this climate thing is as big a deal as they claim it is surely it would be self evident and the best way to make people aware of it would be to present the unvarnished truth. Their problem is that the unvarnished truth is that there isn’t a problem.

  5. Well, out here in the wilder west of Ireland it’s still cool for July, so wherever this ‘global warming’ has got to I hope it will hurry up or we’re going to have to fire up the heating again.

    Out near Silver Strand beach the other day in County Mayo there were still cottages with smoke coming out of the Chimney and the smell of peat burning.

    • Peat? You’re allowed to just burn it? Why is the government stopping me from buying it for my potting compost then?

  6. Meanwhile several volcanoes undersea and on land carry on belching fire and gases regardless.

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